An energy efficient clustering routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks
L Li, S Dong, X Wen - The journal of China Universities of posts and …, 2006 - Elsevier
This article proposes an energy efficient clustering routing (EECR) algorithm for wireless
sensor network. The algorithm can divide a sensor network into a few clusters and select a …
sensor network. The algorithm can divide a sensor network into a few clusters and select a …
Data fusion in wireless sensor networks
Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are resource-constrained networks, especially when the
energy is highly constrained; the application of WSNs is severely restricted. Data fusion can …
energy is highly constrained; the application of WSNs is severely restricted. Data fusion can …
[PDF][PDF] 带有信息反馈的最优异步递推航迹融合算法
文成林, 葛泉波, 刘双剑 - 电子与信息学报, 2009 -
现有的异步航迹融合算法大都采用无全局信息反馈的设计框架, 并且忽略各异步传感器局部预测
航迹误差间的相关性, 加之考虑上述相关性的最优整体航迹融合算法的实时性难以被保证 …
航迹误差间的相关性, 加之考虑上述相关性的最优整体航迹融合算法的实时性难以被保证 …
[PDF][PDF] 多传感器网络系统基于无序估计的分布式信息融合
葛泉波, 文成林 - 电子与信息学报, 2010 -
无线传感器网络的局部节点往融合中心传输信息时, 不确定的随机延迟易使得信息无序现象频繁
发生, 从而导致传统信息融合方法的应用面临诸多难题和挑战. 该文以带有任意随机延迟的多 …
发生, 从而导致传统信息融合方法的应用面临诸多难题和挑战. 该文以带有任意随机延迟的多 …
A New Approach for Recovering Nodes from Faulty Cluster Heads Using Genetic Algorithm
F Nematy, N Rahmani - Proceedings of the International Conference on …, 2012 - Springer
In recent years there has been a growing interest in wireless sensor networks (WSN)
applications. Such sensor networks can be used to control temperature, humidity …
applications. Such sensor networks can be used to control temperature, humidity …
Out-Of-Sequence Measurements fusion for asynchronous multisensor network
G Quanbo, W Xun, G Binglei - 2009 Chinese Control and …, 2009 -
Different sensors' sampling velocities and random transmission delay for wireless sensor
networks often make the Out-Of-Sequence Measurements (OOSM) appearred. Most of the …
networks often make the Out-Of-Sequence Measurements (OOSM) appearred. Most of the …
[CITATION][C] 基于 LEACH 的 WSN 节能改进及仿真
陈晓芳 - 电子质量, 2011
[CITATION][C] 数据融合传输算法在无线传感器网络中的应用
陈卫东, 张宝英 - 微电子学与计算机, 2009