Meta-analysis of green manure effects on soil properties and crop yield in northern China
The application of green manure is a traditional and valuable practice for agroecosystem
management. In northern China, the effects of green manure on production of the region's …
management. In northern China, the effects of green manure on production of the region's …
Ethiopia's wheat production pathways to self-sufficiency through land area expansion, irrigation advance, and yield gap closure
AF Senbeta, W Worku - Heliyon, 2023 - cell.com
Ethiopia is the second largest wheat producer in Africa. Though wheat production has been
increasing steadily in the past decades, the demand for the crop outstripped domestic …
increasing steadily in the past decades, the demand for the crop outstripped domestic …
Reducing food's environmental impacts through producers and consumers
Food's environmental impacts are created by millions of diverse producers. To identify
solutions that are effective under this heterogeneity, we consolidated data covering five …
solutions that are effective under this heterogeneity, we consolidated data covering five …
Yield performance response to field configuration of maize and soybean intercrop** in China: A meta-analysis
Context Intercrop** of maize and soybean has proven to be a sustainable crop**
system all over the world. In recent years, as imports of maize and soybean have increased …
system all over the world. In recent years, as imports of maize and soybean have increased …
Narrowing maize yield gaps across smallholder farming systems in Zambia: what interventions, where, and for whom?
Maize production in Zambia must increase with a view towards improved food security and
reduced food imports whilst avoiding cropland expansion. To achieve this, it is important to …
reduced food imports whilst avoiding cropland expansion. To achieve this, it is important to …
On the development and use of farm models for policy impact assessment in the European Union–A review
Farm models are potentially relevant tools for policy impact assessment. Governments and
international organizations use impact assessment (IA) as an ex-ante policy process and …
international organizations use impact assessment (IA) as an ex-ante policy process and …
Exploring farmers' intentions to adopt mobile Short Message Service (SMS) for citizen science in agriculture
Understanding farmers' intentions to use new technologies for agricultural data collection is
essential in develo** digital citizen science in agriculture. While more advanced …
essential in develo** digital citizen science in agriculture. While more advanced …
Improved nutrient management in cereals using Nutrient Expert and machine learning tools: Productivity, profitability and nutrient use efficiency
CONTEXT Smallholder farmers of the Eastern Indo-Gangetic Plains (EIGP) of South Asia
rely mainly on cereal-based crop** systems to meet the food and nutritional demand and …
rely mainly on cereal-based crop** systems to meet the food and nutritional demand and …
Explaining rice yields and yield gaps in Central Luzon, Philippines: An application of stochastic frontier analysis and crop modelling
Explaining yield gaps is crucial to understand the main technical constraints faced by
farmers to increase land productivity. The objective of this study is to decompose the yield …
farmers to increase land productivity. The objective of this study is to decompose the yield …
[HTML][HTML] Integrating agri-environmental indicators, ecosystem services assessment, life cycle assessment and yield gap analysis to assess the environmental …
Agriculture's primary function is the production of food, feed, fibre and fuel for the fast-
growing world population. However, it also affects human health and ecosystem integrity …
growing world population. However, it also affects human health and ecosystem integrity …