[KNYGA][B] Disasters: A sociological approach
K Tierney - 2019 - books.google.com
Disasters kill, maim, and generate increasingly large economic losses. But they do not
wreak their damage equally across populations, and every disaster has social dimensions at …
wreak their damage equally across populations, and every disaster has social dimensions at …
[PDF][PDF] Gender dimensions of disaster risk and resilience: Existing evidence
A Erman, SA De Vries Robbe, SF Thies, K Kabir… - 2021 - srhr.dspace-express.com
Men and women, boys and girls have different experiences of disasters. Gender dynamics
impact both the way they are affected by disasters and their capacity to withstand and …
impact both the way they are affected by disasters and their capacity to withstand and …
Queer and present danger: understanding the disparate impacts of disasters on LGBTQ+ communities
LGBTQ+ communities comprise 16 million individuals in the United States, yet this
population is often rendered invisible within disaster policies. Bias in federal disaster …
population is often rendered invisible within disaster policies. Bias in federal disaster …
[HTML][HTML] The importance of women's roles in adaptive capacity and resilience to flooding in rural Bangladesh
In rural Bangladesh, patriarchal gendered norms aggravate the vulnerability of women to
disasters such as floods because of male dominance in access to resources and decision …
disasters such as floods because of male dominance in access to resources and decision …
Sociology of disasters
This chapter focuses on the contributions of sociologists who study the root causes and
social consequences of everyday emergencies, disasters, and large-scale catastrophes. It …
social consequences of everyday emergencies, disasters, and large-scale catastrophes. It …
Vulnerability factors of Afghan rural women to disasters
Disaster management is a global challenge, but disasters do not affect men and women
equally. In most of the world's disasters, more females are impacted than males, and in …
equally. In most of the world's disasters, more females are impacted than males, and in …
Where is my home?: Gendered precarity and the experience of COVID‐19 among women migrant workers from Delhi and National Capital Region, India
S Arora, M Majumder - Gender, Work & Organization, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
With growing interest in the lives of individuals and communities during the COVID‐19
pandemic, there is consensus among scholars, academicians, and policy makers that the …
pandemic, there is consensus among scholars, academicians, and policy makers that the …
Off the back burner: diverse and gender-inclusive decision-making for COVID-19 response and recovery
► Epidemics are a gendered vulnerability, with their socioeconomic impact
disproportionately high among women, even when, as it seems the case with COVID-19 …
disproportionately high among women, even when, as it seems the case with COVID-19 …
Gender and disaster: the impact of natural disasters on violence against women in Nepal
T Bradley, Z Martin, BR Upreti… - Journal of Asian …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
In April 2015, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit the Gorkha district of Nepal. This was followed
in May by a second earthquake. Nepal experienced another natural disaster in 2017. Floods …
in May by a second earthquake. Nepal experienced another natural disaster in 2017. Floods …
Trending discourses and silences around the role of women in wildfires: A systematic sco** review and some reflections from the field
In mainstream social imaginaries, wildfires are still a 'manly'issue. Addressing the question
'how are women depicted in the literature of wildfires?'this paper systematically analyses …
'how are women depicted in the literature of wildfires?'this paper systematically analyses …