Corrosion in biomass combustion: A materials selection analysis and its interaction with corrosion mechanisms and mitigation strategies
RA Antunes, MCL de Oliveira - Corrosion Science, 2013 - Elsevier
Corrosion induced by chlorine during biomass combustion is a major drawback to the
consolidation of this technology. The current literature brings valuable information on these …
consolidation of this technology. The current literature brings valuable information on these …
A study of fatigue property enhancement of 1045 steel processed by surface mechanical rolling treatment with an emphasis on residual stress influence
L Zhang, Y Song, X Wang, S Zhou, Z Ding, W **… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
Several factors contribute to the observed bulk mechanical properties enhanced by surface
mechanical rolling treatment (SMRT), and it is important to distinguish the influences of each …
mechanical rolling treatment (SMRT), and it is important to distinguish the influences of each …
Designing a gradient structure in a Ni-based superalloy to improve fretting fatigue resistance at elevated temperatures through an ultrasonic surface rolling process
In this study, a gradient nanostructured GH4169 superalloy was prepared by ultrasonic
surface rolling process (USRP), and the fretting fatigue resistance was investigated at …
surface rolling process (USRP), and the fretting fatigue resistance was investigated at …
Simultaneous enhancement of stress-and strain-controlled fatigue properties in 316L stainless steel with gradient nanostructure
YB Lei, ZB Wang, JL Xu, K Lu - Acta Materialia, 2019 - Elsevier
A gradient nanostructured (GNS) surface layer with full austenitic phase was synthesized on
AISI 316L stainless steel by surface mechanical rolling treatment at∼ 280° C. The mean …
AISI 316L stainless steel by surface mechanical rolling treatment at∼ 280° C. The mean …
Fatigue behavior of a low-alloy steel with nanostructured surface obtained by severe shot peening
Severe shot peening aimed to generate a nanograined layer over specimens' surface has
been applied by means of standard air blast equipment but using peening parameters …
been applied by means of standard air blast equipment but using peening parameters …
The effect of ultrasonic surface rolling process on the fretting fatigue property of GH4169 superalloy
J Yang, D Liu, X Zhang, M Liu, W Zhao, C Liu - International Journal of …, 2020 - Elsevier
To improve the fretting fatigue (FF) resistance of GH4169 superalloy, ultrasonic surface
rolling process (USRP) is carried once and three times on material surface and the effect of …
rolling process (USRP) is carried once and three times on material surface and the effect of …
Surface characteristics and microstructure evolution of a nickel-base single crystal superalloy treated by ultrasonic shot peening
Y Li, X Shang, M Zhai, L Yu, L Wang, S Zhao - Journal of Alloys and …, 2022 - Elsevier
The surface characteristics and microstructure of a [100]-oriented single crystal superalloy
subjected to ultrasonic shot peening (USP) were investigated as a function of peening …
subjected to ultrasonic shot peening (USP) were investigated as a function of peening …
Finite element modeling of ultrasonic surface rolling process
Y Liu, L Wang, D Wang - Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2011 - Elsevier
Ultrasonic surface rolling (USRP) is a newly developed process in which ultrasonic vibration
and static force are applied on work-piece surface through the USRP operator to generate a …
and static force are applied on work-piece surface through the USRP operator to generate a …
Comparative study of the effects of surface mechanical attrition treatment and conventional shot peening on low cycle fatigue of a 316L stainless steel
In this work, the effects of surface mechanical attrition treatment (SMAT) and conventional
shot peening (CSP) are comparatively studied on the surface characteristics and low cycle …
shot peening (CSP) are comparatively studied on the surface characteristics and low cycle …
Rotary bending fatigue behavior of a rare earth addition bearing steel: The effects of a gradient nanostructured surface layer formed by surface mechanical rolling …
GS Dong, B Gao, ZB Wang - International Journal of Fatigue, 2023 - Elsevier
A 700 μm-thick gradient nanostructured surface layer with enhanced hardness and
compressive residual stress was produced on a rare earth addition bearing steel by surface …
compressive residual stress was produced on a rare earth addition bearing steel by surface …