Primary radiation damage: A review of current understanding and models
Scientific understanding of any kind of radiation effects starts from the primary damage, ie
the defects that are produced right after an initial atomic displacement event initiated by a …
the defects that are produced right after an initial atomic displacement event initiated by a …
[HTML][HTML] Historical review of computer simulation of radiation effects in materials
K Nordlund - Journal of Nuclear Materials, 2019 - Elsevier
In this Article, I review the development of computer simulation techniques for studying
radiation effects in materials from 1946 until 2018. These developments were often closely …
radiation effects in materials from 1946 until 2018. These developments were often closely …
Dynamic equilibrium of displacement damage defects in heavy-ion irradiated tungsten
S Wang, W Guo, T Schwarz-Selinger, Y Yuan, L Ge… - Acta Materialia, 2023 - Elsevier
How displacement damage defects generate and evolve in materials irradiated by energetic
particles is a perennial topic in the field of nuclear materials. Here we experimentally reveal …
particles is a perennial topic in the field of nuclear materials. Here we experimentally reveal …
Behavior of tungsten under irradiation and plasma interaction
M Rieth, R Doerner, A Hasegawa, Y Ueda… - Journal of Nuclear …, 2019 - Elsevier
In 1959 the Journal of Nuclear Materials (JNM) was founded and is now celebrating its
Diamond Anniversary year. The present paper is part of a series in which single JNM …
Diamond Anniversary year. The present paper is part of a series in which single JNM …
In-situ TEM studies of 150 keV W+ ion irradiated W and W-alloys: Damage production and microstructural evolution
In-situ irradiations with 150 keV W+ ions have been performed on W and W-5wt.%(Re; Ta;
V) alloys in a comprehensive study of the influences of irradiation temperature T irr, dose …
V) alloys in a comprehensive study of the influences of irradiation temperature T irr, dose …
Damage recovery stages revisited: thermal evolution of non-saturated and saturated displacement damage in heavy-ion irradiated tungsten
Establishing the correlation between damage recovery and temperature in nuclear materials
is vital to understanding material property degradation. Among the handful of topics related …
is vital to understanding material property degradation. Among the handful of topics related …
Short-wavelength free-electron laser sources and science: a review
EA Seddon, JA Clarke, DJ Dunning… - Reports on Progress …, 2017 - iopscience.iop.org
This review is focused on free-electron lasers (FELs) in the hard to soft x-ray regime. The
aim is to provide newcomers to the area with insights into: the basic physics of FELs, the …
aim is to provide newcomers to the area with insights into: the basic physics of FELs, the …
High temperature annealing of ion irradiated tungsten
Transmission electron microscopy of high temperature annealing of pure tungsten irradiated
by self-ions was conducted to elucidate microstructural and defect evolution in temperature …
by self-ions was conducted to elucidate microstructural and defect evolution in temperature …
The evolution of dislocation loop and its interaction with pre-existing dislocation in He+-irradiated molybdenum: in-situ TEM observation and molecular dynamics …
Y Li, G Ran, Y Guo, Z Sun, X Liu, Y Li, X Qiu, Y **n - Acta Materialia, 2020 - Elsevier
In-situ TEM observation and molecular dynamics simulation were used to investigate the
evolution of irradiation-induced dislocation loops and their interactions with the pre-existing …
evolution of irradiation-induced dislocation loops and their interactions with the pre-existing …
Loop and void damage during heavy ion irradiation on nanocrystalline and coarse grained tungsten: Microstructure, effect of dpa rate, temperature, and grain size
Displacement damage, through heavy ion irradiation was studied on two tungsten grades
(coarse grained tungsten (CGW) and nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained tungsten (NCW)) …
(coarse grained tungsten (CGW) and nanocrystalline and ultrafine grained tungsten (NCW)) …