[КНИГА][B] The Routledge handbook of vegan studies
L Wright - 2021 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Carmen Aguilera-Carnerero got her degree and PhD at the Department of English and
German Philology at the University of Granada (Spain), where she currently teaches. She is …
German Philology at the University of Granada (Spain), where she currently teaches. She is …
Comparing effects of default nudges and informing on recycled water decisions.
Despite a serious need for sustainable alternative water supplies in many parts of the world,
public opposition remains a barrier to implementing solutions such as safe wastewater …
public opposition remains a barrier to implementing solutions such as safe wastewater …
Measuring objective knowledge of potable recycled water
Reliable clean drinking water is becoming increasingly scarce. One potential additional
source of drinking water is recycled water. However, public acceptance of potable recycled …
source of drinking water is recycled water. However, public acceptance of potable recycled …
Skilled Decisions and Animals Used for Human Purposes: Results From Convenience and Representative US Samples
Beliefs, values and value-related justifications, and general cognitive skills predict some
human uses of animals. To help understand some of the relations among these factors, we …
human uses of animals. To help understand some of the relations among these factors, we …
Free will and skilled decision theory
In this chapter, we provide evidence for a new individual difference with respect to free will
and moral responsibility—statistical numeracy. We provide evidence that those who are …
and moral responsibility—statistical numeracy. We provide evidence that those who are …
Psychology and vegan studies
Various psychological factors have been found to be associated with increased tendencies
to identify as vegan or vegetarian. In this chapter, we review some of the dominant …
to identify as vegan or vegetarian. In this chapter, we review some of the dominant …
[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Cascading Effects of Nudging and Education on Common Goods: An Experimental Comparison of Potable Water Recycling Interventions
B Tanner - 2021
[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Numerate people benefit more from regular science reporting: The critical role of scientific reasoning and causal misunderstanding
OD Perrin - 2024
[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Differential Effects of Informing and Framing on Beneficence in Do-Not-Resuscitate Order (DNR)
M Asif - 2023