[HTML][HTML] Precision agriculture in Brazil: the trajectory of 25 years of scientific research
Precision agriculture (PA) stands out as an innovative way to manage production resources,
increasing the efficiency and the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of …
increasing the efficiency and the socioeconomic and environmental sustainability of …
Did someone say “farmer-centric”? Digital tools for spatially distributed on-farm experimentation
On-farm experimentation (OFE) embeds the conduct of agronomic research within normal
farm business operations such that experiments are driven by farmers' needs for business …
farm business operations such that experiments are driven by farmers' needs for business …
Multi-stage corn yield prediction using high-resolution UAV multispectral data and machine learning models
Timely and cost-effective crop yield prediction is vital in crop management decision-making.
This study evaluates the efficacy of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based Vegetation …
This study evaluates the efficacy of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV)-based Vegetation …
赵春江 - 华南农业大学学报, 2021 - journal.scau.edu.cn
为探究我国智慧农业未来发展的目标, 任务与政策, 本文基于系统工程学视角,
阐释了智慧农业的概念与内涵, 介绍了国外智慧农业相关战略布局与行动计划 …
阐释了智慧农业的概念与内涵, 介绍了国外智慧农业相关战略布局与行动计划 …
[HTML][HTML] A methods guideline for deep learning for tabular data in agriculture with a case study to forecast cereal yield
Abstract Machine learning (ML) and its branch, deep learning (DL), is rapidly evolving and
gaining popularity as it outperforms other, more traditional methods in different areas of …
gaining popularity as it outperforms other, more traditional methods in different areas of …
Investigating data-driven approaches to optimize nitrogen recommendations for winter wheat
The optimal nitrogen (N) application rate is an important concept to guide the strategic/static
N management of crops. However, there is still a knowledge gap on how to combine the …
N management of crops. However, there is still a knowledge gap on how to combine the …
Digital strategies for nitrogen management in grain production systems: lessons from multi-method assessment using on-farm experimentation
During the past few decades, a range of digital strategies for Nitrogen (N) management
using various types of input data and recommendation frameworks have been developed …
using various types of input data and recommendation frameworks have been developed …
Effects of cultivars and nitrogen management on wheat grain yield and protein
Low grain protein in hard red winter (HRW) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is a serious
challenge for rainfed wheat growers, particularly in years with elevated grain yield. Proper …
challenge for rainfed wheat growers, particularly in years with elevated grain yield. Proper …
Improving estimation of winter wheat nitrogen status using random forest by integrating multi-source data across different agro-ecological zones
Timely and accurate estimation of plant nitrogen (N) status is crucial to the successful
implementation of precision N management. It has been a great challenge to non …
implementation of precision N management. It has been a great challenge to non …
[HTML][HTML] A collaborative path planning method for intelligent agricultural machinery based on unmanned aerial vehicles
The development of agricultural farming has evolved from traditional agricultural machinery
due to its efficiency and autonomy. Intelligent agricultural machinery is capable of …
due to its efficiency and autonomy. Intelligent agricultural machinery is capable of …