Use of macroalgae to biomonitor pollutants in coastal waters: Optimization of the methodology
R García-Seoane, JA Fernández, R Villares… - Ecological Indicators, 2018 - Elsevier
Although native macroalgae have been used for biomonitoring purposes since the 1950s, a
standardized protocol that would enable widespread implementation of the technique has …
standardized protocol that would enable widespread implementation of the technique has …
The Potential for Upscaling Kelp (Saccharina latissima) Cultivation in Salmon-Driven Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA)
J Fossberg, S Forbord, OJ Broch… - Frontiers in Marine …, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) has the potential of reducing open-cage fish
farming impacts on the environment while also introducing new value chains. The aim of this …
farming impacts on the environment while also introducing new value chains. The aim of this …
Stable nitrogen isotopes in coastal macroalgae: Geographic and anthropogenic variability
Growing human population adds to the natural nitrogen loads to coastal waters. Both
anthropogenic and natural nitrogen is readily incorporated in new biomass, and these …
anthropogenic and natural nitrogen is readily incorporated in new biomass, and these …
Marine eutrophication
Eutrophication is one of the key local stressors for coastal marine ecosystems, particularly in
those locations with many estuaries, intense coastal development or agriculture, and a lack …
those locations with many estuaries, intense coastal development or agriculture, and a lack …
Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Ochrophyta) farming in an industrial IMTA system in Galicia (Spain)
JRC Freitas, JM Salinas Morrondo… - Journal of applied …, 2016 - Springer
The development of integrated multitrophic aquaculture (IMTA) systems in Spain has been
rather limited so far. However, trials carried out in recent years at experimental and at small …
rather limited so far. However, trials carried out in recent years at experimental and at small …
The fractionation of nitrogen and oxygen isotopes in macroalgae during the assimilation of nitrate
In order to determine and understand the stable isotope fractionation of 18 O and 15 N
manifested during assimilation of NO 3− in marine macro-benthic algae, two species (Ulva …
manifested during assimilation of NO 3− in marine macro-benthic algae, two species (Ulva …
Seaweed farming and land-use impacts on seagrass meadows in the region of Rote Island, Indonesia
The international demand for macroalgae products has increased driving the expansion of
seaweed farming to many coastal rural areas worldwide. Yet it is not fully understood what …
seaweed farming to many coastal rural areas worldwide. Yet it is not fully understood what …
Broad-scale impacts of salmon farms on temperate macroalgal assemblages on rocky reefs
Intensive fish culture in open sea pens delivers large amounts of nutrients to coastal
environments. Relative to particulate waste impacts, the ecological impacts of dissolved …
environments. Relative to particulate waste impacts, the ecological impacts of dissolved …
Effects of pollution on marine organisms
AJ Mearns, DJ Reish, PS Oshida, T Ginn… - Water Environment …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
This review covers selected 2013 articles on the biological effects of pollutants and human
physical disturbances on marine and estuarine plants, anjmals, ecosystems and habitats …
physical disturbances on marine and estuarine plants, anjmals, ecosystems and habitats …
Versatility of the humble seaweed in biomanufacturing
JL Ditchburn, CB Carballeira - Procedia Manufacturing, 2019 - Elsevier
Seaweeds are important marine organisms that have diverse biological characteristics.
Seaweed is traditional food in Japanese and East Asian cultures and is used in the …
Seaweed is traditional food in Japanese and East Asian cultures and is used in the …