Biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in naturally assembled communities

F Van Der Plas - Biological Reviews, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Approximately 25 years ago, ecologists became increasingly interested in the question of
whether ongoing biodiversity loss matters for the functioning of ecosystems. As such, a new …

Diversity and forest productivity in a changing climate

C Ammer - New phytologist, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Contents Summary 50 I. Introduction 50 II. Drivers of the diversity–productivity relationship
51 III. Patterns of the diversity–productivity relationship 55 IV. Responses of mixed stands to …

Linking forest growth with stand structure: Tree size inequality, tree growth or resource partitioning and the asymmetry of competition

DI Forrester - Forest Ecology and Management, 2019 - Elsevier
Stand structure can strongly influence forest growth and other processes, such as the water
balance, carbon partitioning, nutrient cycling and light dynamics. However, individual …

A review of processes behind diversity—productivity relationships in forests

DI Forrester, J Bauhus - Current Forestry Reports, 2016 - Springer
Through complementarity interactions, mixed-species forests can be more productive than
monocultures, and this effect can increase with tree-species richness. However, this is not …

Forest stand structure and functioning: Current knowledge and future challenges

A Ali - Ecological Indicators, 2019 - Elsevier
Species diversity is a part of (forest) stand structure but tree diameter diversity and height
diversity alone or combined are typically defined as stand structural diversity or complexity …

Structural diversity promotes productivity of mixed, uneven-aged forests in southwestern Germany

A Dănescu, AT Albrecht, J Bauhus - Oecologia, 2016 - Springer
Forest diversity-productivity relationships have been intensively investigated in recent
decades. However, few studies have considered the interplay between species and …

Stabilizing effects of diversity on aboveground wood production in forest ecosystems: linking patterns and processes

T Jucker, O Bouriaud, D Avacaritei… - Ecology Letters, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Both theory and evidence suggest that diversity stabilises productivity in herbaceous plant
communities through a combination of overyielding, species asynchrony and favourable …

Characterization of the structure, dynamics, and productivity of mixed-species stands: review and perspectives

M Del Río, H Pretzsch, I Alberdi, K Bielak… - European journal of …, 2016 - Springer
The growth and yield of mixed-species stands has become an important topic of research
since there are certain advantages of this type of forest as regards functions and services …

Stand structural diversity rather than species diversity enhances aboveground carbon storage in secondary subtropical forests in Eastern China

A Ali, ER Yan, HYH Chen, SX Chang, YT Zhao… - …, 2016 -
Stand structural diversity, typically characterized by variances in tree diameter at breast
height (DBH) and total height, plays a critical role in influencing aboveground carbon (C) …

Disentangling biodiversity and climatic determinants of wood production

M Vilà, A Carrillo-Gavilán, J Vayreda, H Bugmann… - PloS one, 2013 -
Background Despite empirical support for an increase in ecosystem productivity with
species diversity in synthetic systems, there is ample evidence that this relationship is …