A magnetocaloric air-conditioning system prototype

GF Peixer, MCR Silva, A Lorenzoni, G Hoffmann… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper discusses the design procedure and first results of a large-scale magnetic air-
conditioning system prototype demonstrated in a relevant environment compatible with the …

Development of an electronic circuit cooling system using elastocaloric effect: a FEM comparison among different configurations

L Cirillo, A Greco, C Masselli - Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
In recent years the scientific community has been committed to finding new eco-friendly
solutions for refrigeration. Among the Not-In-Kind Refrigeration Technologies very promising …

Improving efficiency of transcritical CO2 cycles through a magnetic refrigeration subcooling system

L Nebot-Andrés, MG Del Duca, C Aprea… - Energy Conversion and …, 2022 - Elsevier
Subcooling methods for transcritical CO 2 plants are being studied in order to improve the
behaviour of these systems in hot climates, where basic configurations are not competitive …

System-level multi-objective optimization of a magnetic air conditioner through coupling of artificial neural networks and genetic algorithms

GF Peixer, ATD Nakashima, JA Lozano… - Applied Thermal …, 2023 - Elsevier
This work advances an integrated approach to design the components of a magnetocaloric
air conditioner capable of producing a cooling capacity of 9000 BTU h− 1 (2637 W) for …

Predicting the dynamic behavior of a magnetocaloric cooling prototype via artificial neural networks

PM Silva, GF Peixer, AM Lorenzoni, YC Azeredo… - Applied Thermal …, 2024 - Elsevier
Although magnetocaloric cooling is considered a promising long-term alternative to vapor
compression, recent prototype developments have not yet made this technology …

Thermodynamic assessment of a large-scale magnetic air conditioning prototype

GF Peixer, AM Lorenzoni, YC Azeredo, PM Silva… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Elsevier
This study presents an experimental analysis of the thermodynamic performance of a large-
scale magnetic air-conditioning system prototype that uses a combination of La (Fe, Mn, Si) …

Thermodynamic comparison of magnetocaloric and vapor compression wine coolers

NM De Sá, ATD Nakashima, JA Lozano… - International Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
This paper presents a comparison of the thermodynamic performances of magnetocaloric
and vapor compression cooling technologies when operating the same wine cooler cabinet …

Model-based trade-off curves to support the set-based concurrent engineering of highly innovative projects

M Silvestre De Oliveira, G Fidelis Peixer… - Concurrent …, 2023 - journals.sagepub.com
The literature acknowledges the advantages of Set-Based Concurrent Engineering (SBCE),
but there is a lack of models for its adoption and documented cases of its implementation …

Influence of the interfacial thermal resistance of a gadolinium/copper bimetal composite on solid-state magnetic refrigeration

B Lu, Y Huang, J Huang, Z Ma, J Wang, J He - International Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The low heat transfer efficiency caused by a magnetocaloric material (MCM) with low
thermal conductivity is the bottleneck that limits the performance of magnetic refrigeration …

Numerical simulation of a hybrid system using Peltier thermal switches in magnetic refrigeration

H Huang, J Shen, Z Li, K Li, P Hai, W Zheng… - Applied Thermal …, 2022 - Elsevier
To overcome the shortcoming of the low cooling power density in the ordinary magnetic
refrigerator, a hybrid system using Peltier thermal switches in magnetic refrigeration has …