Ensemble machine learning paradigms in hydrology: A review
Recently, there has been a notable tendency towards employing ensemble learning
methodologies in assorted areas of engineering, such as hydrology, for simulation and …
methodologies in assorted areas of engineering, such as hydrology, for simulation and …
Hybridized artificial intelligence models with nature-inspired algorithms for river flow modeling: A comprehensive review, assessment, and possible future research …
River flow (Q flow) is a hydrological process that considerably impacts the management and
sustainability of water resources. The literature has shown great potential for nature-inspired …
sustainability of water resources. The literature has shown great potential for nature-inspired …
Study on optimization and combination strategy of multiple daily runoff prediction models coupled with physical mechanism and LSTM
J Guo, Y Liu, Q Zou, L Ye, S Zhu, H Zhang - Journal of Hydrology, 2023 - Elsevier
Accurate prediction of runoff is an important foundation for optimizing water resource
allocation and reservoir scheduling operations. However, due to its complex characteristics …
allocation and reservoir scheduling operations. However, due to its complex characteristics …
A review of deep learning and machine learning techniques for hydrological inflow forecasting
SD Latif, AN Ahmed - Environment, Development and Sustainability, 2023 - Springer
Conventional machine learning models have been widely used for reservoir inflow and
rainfall prediction. Nowadays, researchers focus on a new computing architecture in the …
rainfall prediction. Nowadays, researchers focus on a new computing architecture in the …
[HTML][HTML] Application of machine learning and process-based models for rainfall-runoff simulation in Dupage River basin, Illinois
Rainfall-runoff simulation is vital for planning and controlling flood control events. Hydrology
modeling using Hydrological Engineering Center—Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC …
modeling using Hydrological Engineering Center—Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC …
Application of machine learning and emerging remote sensing techniques in hydrology: A state-of-the-art review and current research trends
A Saha, SC Pal - Journal of Hydrology, 2024 - Elsevier
Water, one of the most valuable resources on Earth, is the subject of the study of hydrology,
which is of utmost importance. Satellite remote sensing (RS) has emerged as a critical tool …
which is of utmost importance. Satellite remote sensing (RS) has emerged as a critical tool …
Daily streamflow forecasting in Sobradinho Reservoir using machine learning models coupled with wavelet transform and bootstrap**
Improving forecasting techniques for streamflow time series is of extreme importance for
water resource planning. Among the available techniques, those based on machine …
water resource planning. Among the available techniques, those based on machine …
[HTML][HTML] Comparative study of machine learning methods and GR2M model for monthly runoff prediction
Monthly runoff time-series estimation is imperative information for water resources planning
and development projects. This article aims to comparatively investigate the applicability of …
and development projects. This article aims to comparatively investigate the applicability of …
Modeling multistep ahead dissolved oxygen concentration using improved support vector machines by a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm
Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration is an important water-quality parameter, and its
estimation is very important for aquatic ecosystems, drinking water resources, and agro …
estimation is very important for aquatic ecosystems, drinking water resources, and agro …
Short-term runoff prediction optimization method based on BGRU-BP and BLSTM-BP neural networks
S He, X Sang, J Yin, Y Zheng, H Chen - Water Resources Management, 2023 - Springer
Runoff forecasting is one of the important non-engineering measures for flood prevention
and disaster reduction. The accurate and reliable runoff forecasting mainly depends on the …
and disaster reduction. The accurate and reliable runoff forecasting mainly depends on the …