From architectures to applications: A review of neural quantum states
Due to the exponential growth of the Hilbert space dimension with system size, the
simulation of quantum many-body systems has remained a persistent challenge until today …
simulation of quantum many-body systems has remained a persistent challenge until today …
Empowering deep neural quantum states through efficient optimization
Computing the ground state of interacting quantum matter is a long-standing challenge,
especially for complex two-dimensional systems. Recent developments have highlighted the …
especially for complex two-dimensional systems. Recent developments have highlighted the …
Artificial intelligence for science in quantum, atomistic, and continuum systems
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are fueling a new paradigm of discoveries in natural
sciences. Today, AI has started to advance natural sciences by improving, accelerating, and …
sciences. Today, AI has started to advance natural sciences by improving, accelerating, and …
Quantum master equations: Tips and tricks for quantum optics, quantum computing, and beyond
Quantum master equations are an invaluable tool to model the dynamics of a plethora of
microscopic systems, ranging from quantum optics and quantum information processing to …
microscopic systems, ranging from quantum optics and quantum information processing to …
A simple linear algebra identity to optimize large-scale neural network quantum states
Neural-network architectures have been increasingly used to represent quantum many-body
wave functions. These networks require a large number of variational parameters and are …
wave functions. These networks require a large number of variational parameters and are …
Variational benchmarks for quantum many-body problems
The continued development of computational approaches to many-body ground-state
problems in physics and chemistry calls for a consistent way to assess its overall progress …
problems in physics and chemistry calls for a consistent way to assess its overall progress …
Ab-initio variational wave functions for the time-dependent many-electron Schrödinger equation
Understanding the real-time evolution of many-electron quantum systems is essential for
studying dynamical properties in condensed matter, quantum chemistry, and complex …
studying dynamical properties in condensed matter, quantum chemistry, and complex …
Message-passing neural quantum states for the homogeneous electron gas
We introduce a message-passing neural-network (NN)-based wave function Ansatz to
simulate extended, strongly interacting fermions in continuous space. Symmetry constraints …
simulate extended, strongly interacting fermions in continuous space. Symmetry constraints …
High-accuracy variational Monte Carlo for frustrated magnets with deep neural networks
We show that neural quantum states based on very deep (4–16-layered) neural networks
can outperform state-of-the-art variational approaches on highly frustrated quantum …
can outperform state-of-the-art variational approaches on highly frustrated quantum …
Unbiasing time-dependent Variational Monte Carlo by projected quantum evolution
We analyze the accuracy and sample complexity of variational Monte Carlo approaches to
simulate the dynamics of many-body quantum systems classically. By systematically …
simulate the dynamics of many-body quantum systems classically. By systematically …