Intermodal competition in the London–Paris passenger market: High-Speed Rail and air transport
C Behrens, E Pels - Journal of Urban Economics, 2012 - Elsevier
This paper studies inter-and intramodal competition in the London–Paris passenger market
during the period 2003–2009. We identify the degree to and conditions under which High …
during the period 2003–2009. We identify the degree to and conditions under which High …
Access to and competition between airports: a case study for the San Francisco Bay area
In this paper (nested) logit models that describe the combined access mode-airport-choice
are estimated. A three level nested logit model is rejected. A two level nested logit model …
are estimated. A three level nested logit model is rejected. A two level nested logit model …
High-speed rail and air transport competition: Game engineering as tool for cost-benefit analysis
This research develops a methodology to assess infrastructure investments and their effects
on transport equilibria taking into account competition between multiple privatized transport …
on transport equilibria taking into account competition between multiple privatized transport …
Mixed logit modelling of airport choice in multi-airport regions
This paper presents an analysis of the choice of airport by air travellers departing from the
San Francisco Bay (SF-B) area. The analysis uses the mixed multinomial logit model, which …
San Francisco Bay (SF-B) area. The analysis uses the mixed multinomial logit model, which …
Airport and airline choice in a multiple airport region: an empirical analysis for the San Francisco Bay Area
PELS E., NIJKAMP P. and RIETVELD P.(2001) Airport and airline choice in a multiple airport
region: an empirical analysis for the San Francisco Bay area, Reg. Studies 35, 1±9. In this …
region: an empirical analysis for the San Francisco Bay area, Reg. Studies 35, 1±9. In this …
Passengers' airport choice within multi-airport regions (MARs): some insights from a stated preference survey at Hong Kong International Airport
BPY Loo - Journal of transport geography, 2008 - Elsevier
Passengers' airport choice in multi-airport regions (MARs) is of great interests to transport
researchers, local governments, airport authorities and airline companies. This paper …
researchers, local governments, airport authorities and airline companies. This paper …
[CARTE][B] Airport competition: the European experience
P Forsyth, D Gillen, J Muller, HM Niemeier - 2016 - books.google.com
The break-up of BAA and the blocked takeover of Bratislava airport by the competing Vienna
airport have brought the issue of airport competition to the top of the agenda for air transport …
airport have brought the issue of airport competition to the top of the agenda for air transport …
[HTML][HTML] The implications of high-speed railways on air passenger flows in China
H Yang, G Burghouwt, J Wang, T Boonekamp, M Dijst - Applied Geography, 2018 - Elsevier
Abstract The High-speed Railway (HSR) network in China is the largest in the world,
competing intensively with airlines for inter-city travel. Panel data from 2007 to 2013 for 138 …
competing intensively with airlines for inter-city travel. Panel data from 2007 to 2013 for 138 …
Regional airport choice: Consumer behaviour and policy implications
The analysis of origin airports in multi-airport regions has a well established tradition in
transportation and regional economics. The main goal of the paper is to estimate the …
transportation and regional economics. The main goal of the paper is to estimate the …
Congestible facility rivalry in vertical structures
This paper investigates rivalry between congestible facilities and its effects on facility
charges, capacities and congestion delays. By incorporating the downstream carriers into …
charges, capacities and congestion delays. By incorporating the downstream carriers into …