Pono: A Flexible and Extensible SMT-Based Model Checker
Symbolic model checking is an important tool for finding bugs (or proving the absence of
bugs) in modern system designs. Because of this, improving the ease of use, scalability, and …
bugs) in modern system designs. Because of this, improving the ease of use, scalability, and …
Software verification with PDR: An implementation of the state of the art
Property-directed reachability (PDR) is a SAT/SMT-based reachability algorithm that
incrementally constructs inductive invariants. After it was successfully applied to hardware …
incrementally constructs inductive invariants. After it was successfully applied to hardware …
A unifying view on SMT-based software verification
After many years of successful development of new approaches for software verification,
there is a need to consolidate the knowledge about the different abstract domains and …
there is a need to consolidate the knowledge about the different abstract domains and …
AVR: abstractly verifying reachability
We present AVR, a push-button model checker for verifying state transition systems directly
at the source-code level. AVR uses information embedded in the word-level syntax of the …
at the source-code level. AVR uses information embedded in the word-level syntax of the …
Property-directed inference of universal invariants or proving their absence
We present Universal Property Directed Reachability (PDR∀), a property-directed semi-
algorithm for automatic inference of invariants in a universal fragment of first-order logic …
algorithm for automatic inference of invariants in a universal fragment of first-order logic …
Decomposing software verification into off-the-shelf components: an application to CEGAR
Techniques for software verification are typically realized as cohesive units of software with
tightly coupled components. This makes it difficult to re-use components, and the potential …
tightly coupled components. This makes it difficult to re-use components, and the potential …
Incremental linearization for satisfiability and verification modulo nonlinear arithmetic and transcendental functions
Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is the problem of deciding the satisfiability of a first-
order formula with respect to some theory or combination of theories; Verification Modulo …
order formula with respect to some theory or combination of theories; Verification Modulo …
Global guidance for local generalization in model checking
Abstract smt-based model checkers, especially ic3-style ones, are currently the most
effective techniques for verification of infinite state systems. They infer global inductive …
effective techniques for verification of infinite state systems. They infer global inductive …
Property-directed k-induction
IC3 and k-induction are commonly used in automated analysis of infinite-state systems. We
present a reformulation of IC3 that separates reachability checking from induction reasoning …
present a reformulation of IC3 that separates reachability checking from induction reasoning …
Infinite-state invariant checking with IC3 and predicate abstraction
We address the problem of verifying invariant properties on infinite-state systems. We
present a novel approach, IC3ia, for generalizing the IC3 invariant checking algorithm from …
present a novel approach, IC3ia, for generalizing the IC3 invariant checking algorithm from …