[HTML][HTML] A Modified Artificial Hummingbird Algorithm for solving optimal power flow problem in power systems
Optimal power flow (OPF) problem solution is a crucial task for the operators and decision
makers to assign the best setting of the system components to obtain the most economic …
makers to assign the best setting of the system components to obtain the most economic …
A new adaptive mutation technique for genetic algorithm
BR Rajakumar, A George - 2012 IEEE International …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Genetic algorithm is a promising heuristic search algorithm, which searches the solution
space for optimal solution using the genetic operations. Mutation is one among the genetic …
space for optimal solution using the genetic operations. Mutation is one among the genetic …
A binary variant of lightning search algorithm: BLSA
Lightning search algorithm (LSA) is a novel nature-inspired optimization algorithm based on
the phenomenon of lighting. This optimization algorithm is generalized from the mechanism …
the phenomenon of lighting. This optimization algorithm is generalized from the mechanism …
Optimal power flow with FACTS controller using hybrid PSO
Optimal power flow (OPF) is to find steady state operation point which minimizes generation
cost, loss etc. or maximizes loadability in power system, which improves the system …
cost, loss etc. or maximizes loadability in power system, which improves the system …
Hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm for optimal power flow with non-smooth fuel cost functions
This paper presents a hybrid genetic algorithm and particle swarm optimization (HGAPSO)
for solving optimal power flow problem with non-smooth cost function and subjected to limits …
for solving optimal power flow problem with non-smooth cost function and subjected to limits …
Optimal location identification of FACTS devices through genetic algorithm and the network structural characteristics techniques
In this paper, the use of techniques based on the Artificial Intelligent (AI) and the network
topological structure of the power system network, for optimal location of the reactive power …
topological structure of the power system network, for optimal location of the reactive power …
UPFC device: Optimal location and parameter setting to reduce losses in electric-power systems using a genetic-algorithm method
M Mezaache, K Chikhi, C Fetha - Transactions on electrical and …, 2016 - koreascience.kr
Ensuring the secure operation of power systems has become an important and critical
matter during the present time, along with the development of large, complex and load …
matter during the present time, along with the development of large, complex and load …
[PDF][PDF] Optimal location of unified power flow controller genetic algorithm based
Now-a-days the Flexible AC Transmission Systems (FACTS) technology is very effective in
improving the power flow along the transmission lines and makes the power system more …
improving the power flow along the transmission lines and makes the power system more …
Genetic algorithm based optimal allocation of SVC for reactive power minimization in power systems
M Bhandari, SS Gurav - 2015 International Conference on …, 2015 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
With the help of the FACTS controllers, it is possible to reduce real & reactive power losses
in the power System. Their location, type & rating have influence on system performance …
in the power System. Their location, type & rating have influence on system performance …
[PDF][PDF] Optimal Power flow using particle swarm optimization
ABSTRACT The Optimal Power Flow (OPF) is an important criterion in today's power system
operation and control due to scarcity of energy resources, increasing power generation cost …
operation and control due to scarcity of energy resources, increasing power generation cost …