The role of particle shape in computational modelling of granular matter

J Zhao, S Zhao, S Luding - Nature Reviews Physics, 2023 -
Granular matter is ubiquitous in nature and is present in diverse forms in important
engineering, industrial and natural processes. Particle-based computational modelling has …

FPGA-accelerated range-limited molecular dynamics

C Wu, C Yang, S Bandara, T Geng… - IEEE Transactions …, 2024 -
Long timescale Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation of small molecules is crucial in drug
design and basic science. To accelerate a small data set that is executed for a large number …

Optimized map**s for symmetric range-limited molecular force calculations on FPGAs

C Wu, S Bandara, T Geng, A Guo… - … Conference on Field …, 2022 -
In N-body applications, the efficient evaluation of range-limited forces depends on applying
certain constraints, including a cut-off radius and force symmetry (Newton's Third Law) …

FPGA acceleration for HPC supercapacitor simulations

C Prouveur, M Haefele, T Kenter, N Voss - Proceedings of the Platform …, 2023 -
In the search of more energy efficient computing devices that could be assembled to build
future exascale systems, this study proposes a chip to chip comparison between a CPU, a …

ACiS: smart switches with application-level acceleration

P Haghi - 2023 -
Network performance has contributed fundamentally to the growth of supercomputing over
the past decades. In parallel, High Performance Computing (HPC) peak performance has …

Parallelization of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Verlet Algorithm and OpenMP

P Mathur, HK Azad, SHV Sangaraju… - … Conference on MAchine …, 2023 - Springer
Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations provide qualitative insights into the dynamics of
liquids, solids, and liquid–solid interfaces under varying temperature and pressure …

A Multi-FPGA Implementation of FM-Index Based Genomic Pattern Search

U Imdad, AB Ahmed, K Hironaka, K Iizuka… - … on Information and …, 2023 -
FPGA clusters that consist of multiple FPGA boards have been gaining interest in recent
times. Massively parallel processing with a stand-alone heterogeneous FPGA cluster with …

Software and hardware codesign of SmartNIC-based heterogeneous HPC clusters with machine learning case studies

A Guo - 2024 -
Abstract Machine learning has evolved significantly recently and has penetrated every
aspect of science, technology, and daily life. As application prediction demands higher …

FPGA-based range-limited molecular dynamics acceleration

C Wu - 2023 -
Molecular Dynamics (MD) is a computer simulation technique that executes iteratively over
discrete, infinitesimal time intervals. It has been a widely utilized application in the fields of …

COVID-19 Classification of CT Lung Images Using Intelligent Wolf Optimization Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network

OR Varma, M Kalra - International Conference on MAchine inTelligence for …, 2023 - Springer
Chest computed tomography (CT) imaging is highly reliable and practical in diagnosing and
analyzing COVID-19, mainly in the infectious region rather than reverse-transcription …