The role of particle shape in computational modelling of granular matter
Granular matter is ubiquitous in nature and is present in diverse forms in important
engineering, industrial and natural processes. Particle-based computational modelling has …
engineering, industrial and natural processes. Particle-based computational modelling has …
FPGA-accelerated range-limited molecular dynamics
Long timescale Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation of small molecules is crucial in drug
design and basic science. To accelerate a small data set that is executed for a large number …
design and basic science. To accelerate a small data set that is executed for a large number …
Optimized map**s for symmetric range-limited molecular force calculations on FPGAs
In N-body applications, the efficient evaluation of range-limited forces depends on applying
certain constraints, including a cut-off radius and force symmetry (Newton's Third Law) …
certain constraints, including a cut-off radius and force symmetry (Newton's Third Law) …
FPGA acceleration for HPC supercapacitor simulations
C Prouveur, M Haefele, T Kenter, N Voss - Proceedings of the Platform …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
In the search of more energy efficient computing devices that could be assembled to build
future exascale systems, this study proposes a chip to chip comparison between a CPU, a …
future exascale systems, this study proposes a chip to chip comparison between a CPU, a …
ACiS: smart switches with application-level acceleration
P Haghi - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Network performance has contributed fundamentally to the growth of supercomputing over
the past decades. In parallel, High Performance Computing (HPC) peak performance has …
the past decades. In parallel, High Performance Computing (HPC) peak performance has …
Parallelization of Molecular Dynamics Simulations Using Verlet Algorithm and OpenMP
Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations provide qualitative insights into the dynamics of
liquids, solids, and liquid–solid interfaces under varying temperature and pressure …
liquids, solids, and liquid–solid interfaces under varying temperature and pressure …
A Multi-FPGA Implementation of FM-Index Based Genomic Pattern Search
FPGA clusters that consist of multiple FPGA boards have been gaining interest in recent
times. Massively parallel processing with a stand-alone heterogeneous FPGA cluster with …
times. Massively parallel processing with a stand-alone heterogeneous FPGA cluster with …
Software and hardware codesign of SmartNIC-based heterogeneous HPC clusters with machine learning case studies
A Guo - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Abstract Machine learning has evolved significantly recently and has penetrated every
aspect of science, technology, and daily life. As application prediction demands higher …
aspect of science, technology, and daily life. As application prediction demands higher …
FPGA-based range-limited molecular dynamics acceleration
C Wu - 2023 - search.proquest.com
Molecular Dynamics (MD) is a computer simulation technique that executes iteratively over
discrete, infinitesimal time intervals. It has been a widely utilized application in the fields of …
discrete, infinitesimal time intervals. It has been a widely utilized application in the fields of …
COVID-19 Classification of CT Lung Images Using Intelligent Wolf Optimization Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network
OR Varma, M Kalra - International Conference on MAchine inTelligence for …, 2023 - Springer
Chest computed tomography (CT) imaging is highly reliable and practical in diagnosing and
analyzing COVID-19, mainly in the infectious region rather than reverse-transcription …
analyzing COVID-19, mainly in the infectious region rather than reverse-transcription …