Experimental superposition of orders of quantum gates
Quantum computers achieve a speed-up by placing quantum bits (qubits) in superpositions
of different states. However, it has recently been appreciated that quantum mechanics also …
of different states. However, it has recently been appreciated that quantum mechanics also …
Deterministic preparation of Dicke states
The Dicke state is an equal-weight superposition of all n-qubit states with Hamming Weight k
(ie all strings of length n with exactly k ones over a binary alphabet). Dicke states are an …
(ie all strings of length n with exactly k ones over a binary alphabet). Dicke states are an …
Quantum data compression by principal component analysis
Data compression can be achieved by reducing the dimensionality of high-dimensional but
approximately low-rank datasets, which may in fact be described by the variation of a much …
approximately low-rank datasets, which may in fact be described by the variation of a much …
Experimental realization of a quantum autoencoder: The compression of qutrits via machine learning
With quantum resources a precious commodity, their efficient use is highly desirable.
Quantum autoencoders have been proposed as a way to reduce quantum memory …
Quantum autoencoders have been proposed as a way to reduce quantum memory …
Realization of a quantum autoencoder for lossless compression of quantum data
As a ubiquitous aspect of modern information technology, data compression has a wide
range of applications. Therefore, a quantum autoencoder which can compress quantum …
range of applications. Therefore, a quantum autoencoder which can compress quantum …
Quantum adaptive agents with efficient long-term memories
Central to the success of adaptive systems is their ability to interpret signals from their
environment and respond accordingly—they act as agents interacting with their …
environment and respond accordingly—they act as agents interacting with their …
Optimal universal programming of unitary gates
A universal quantum processor is a device that takes as input a (quantum) program,
containing an encoding of an arbitrary unitary gate, and a (quantum) data register, on which …
containing an encoding of an arbitrary unitary gate, and a (quantum) data register, on which …
Experimentally modeling stochastic processes with less memory by the use of a quantum processor
Computer simulation of observable phenomena is an indispensable tool for engineering
new technology, understanding the natural world, and studying human society. However …
new technology, understanding the natural world, and studying human society. However …
Resource-efficient high-dimensional subspace teleportation with a quantum autoencoder
Quantum autoencoders serve as efficient means for quantum data compression. Here, we
propose and demonstrate their use to reduce resource costs for quantum teleportation of …
propose and demonstrate their use to reduce resource costs for quantum teleportation of …
On compression rate of quantum autoencoders: Control design, numerical and experimental realization
Quantum autoencoders which aim at compressing quantum information in a low-
dimensional latent space lie in the heart of automatic data compression in the field of …
dimensional latent space lie in the heart of automatic data compression in the field of …