[KNIHA][B] Risk inequality and welfare states: Social policy preferences, development, and dynamics

P Rehm - 2016 - books.google.com
The transformation of night-watchman states into welfare states is one of the most notable
societal developments in recent history. In 1880, not a single country had a nationally …

Putting the political back into political economy by bringing the state back in yet again

VA Schmidt - World politics, 2009 - cambridge.org
Dominant theoretical approaches in political economy today, whether they posit
convergence to neoliberal capitalism, binary divergence of capitalisms, or tripartite …

[KNIHA][B] Politics of risk-taking: Welfare state reform in advanced democracies

B Vis - 2010 - books.google.com
How much and in which direction have the welfare states of Western democracies changed
over the past decades? Moreover, under which conditions have governments enacted these …

Governments and unpopular social policy reform: Biting the bullet or steering clear?

B Vis - European Journal of Political Research, 2009 - Wiley Online Library
Under which conditions and to what extent do governments pursue unpopular social policy
reforms for which they might be punished in the next election? This article shows that there …

[PDF][PDF] From historical institutionalism to discursive institutionalism: Explaining change in comparative political economy

VA Schmidt - presentation at the 104th Annual Meeting of the …, 2008 - researchgate.net
To explain change in comparative political economy, a 'discursive institutionalist'approach
focused on ideas and discourse is a necessary complement to older 'new institutionalist' …

Ideas and discourse in transformational political economic change in Europe

VA Schmidt - Policy paradigms, transnationalism and domestic …, 2011 - degruyter.com
Transformational Political Economic Change in Europe 37 junctures or more incrementally
over time. In so doing, I shift from a focus on paradigm theory per se to an approach that I …

The European Employment Strategy and national core executives: impacts on activation reforms in the Netherlands and Germany

S Stiller, M van Gerven - Journal of European Social Policy, 2012 - journals.sagepub.com
The European Employment Strategy (EES) has opened up new dynamics of
Europeanization in the area of social policy. This article proposes to pay more attention to …

The problems of identity and legitimacy in the European Union: Is more politics the answer?

VA Schmidt - Debating political identity and legitimacy in the …, 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
The problems of identity and legitimacy in the EU have been debated at great length and
from just about every angle and discipline possible, as the contributions to this book …

The politics of welfare state reform in the Netherlands: Explaining a never-ending puzzle

B Vis, K Van Kersbergen, U Becker - Acta Politica, 2008 - Springer
The Dutch welfare state has always posed analytical and empirical puzzles, since existing
theories cannot adequately explain the characteristic features of its welfare regime …

[PDF][PDF] The broad tracks of path dependent benefit reforms: A longitudinal study of social benefit reforms in three European countries, 1980-2006

MML van Gerven, W van Oorschot… - Tilburg …, 2008 - lirias.kuleuven.be
The Broad Tracks of Path Dependent Benefit Reforms - A Longitudinal Study of Social Benefit
Reforms in Three European Countries, Page 1 Tilburg University The broad tracks of path …