[BOK][B] Psychophysical acting: An intercultural approach after Stanislavski

PB Zarrilli - 2012 - taylorfrancis.com
Psychophysical Acting is a direct and vital address to the demands of contemporary theatre
on today's actor. Drawing on over thirty years of intercultural experience, Phillip Zarrilli aims …

When is a play not a drama? Two examples of postdramatic theatre texts

D Barnett - New Theatre Quarterly, 2008 - cambridge.org
In this article David Barnett investigates the ways in which plays can be considered
'postdramatic'. Opening with an exploration of this new paradigm, he then seeks to examine …

Blasted 's Hysteria: Rape, Realism, and the Thresholds of the Visible

K Solga - Modern Drama, 2007 - utppublishing.com
A curious blind spot remains in the critical response to Sarah Kane's Blasted: the rape of
Cate by Ian. In a play famous for its onstage violence, why is this rape, one of its pivotal …

" Victim. Perpetrator. Bystander": Melancholic Witnessing of Sarah Kane's 4.48 Psychosis

A Tycer - Theatre Journal, 2008 - muse.jhu.edu
This essay argues that critical emphasis on the autobiographical connections in Sarah
Kane's 4.48 Psychosis threatens to oversimplify the play's wider significance. The essay re …

[BOK][B] Dramatic Disgust: Aesthetic Theory and Practice from Sophocles to Sarah Kane

SJ Ablett - 2020 - books.google.com
Aesthetic disgust is a key component of most classic works of drama because it has much
more potential than to simply shock the audience. This first extensive study on dramatic …

[PDF][PDF] Feeling performance, remembering trauma

P Duggan - Platform, 2007 - es.royalholloway.ac.uk
18) Trauma we are told is a perpetual present, resilient in its persistence and timeless
occupation of a subject who does not and cannot know it. It happened but I do not know it …

Sarah Kane's Blasted

H Iball - 2008 - torrossa.com
This chapter is an introduction to the study of Sarah Kane's Blasted. It explains why the play
is important, gives a sketch of its author's life and discusses the social, economic and …

Rape and rape mythology in the plays of Sarah Kane

I Ward - Comparative Drama, 2013 - muse.jhu.edu
Kane's Blasted, first performed at the Royal Court Theatre in London in January 1995. 1 The
violence was pervasive, the structure seemingly incoherent, the purpose elusive. Critics …

Cries of Fire: Psychotherapy in Contemporary British and Irish Drama

A Watson - Modern Drama, 2008 - utppublishing.com
The theatricality of the psychotherapeutic encounter has been evident since its origins:
Freud complained in 1914 that the patient in the grip of transference-love “gives up her …

Approaching Abjection in Sarah Kane's Blasted

S Ablett - Performance Research, 2014 - Taylor & Francis
Julia Kristeva's notion of the abject is well suited to describe the gruesome actions that occur
in Sarah Kane's debut play Blasted. Applying Kristeva's psychoanalytical approach serves to …