Automatic multiple choice question generation from text: A survey
DR Ch, SK Saha - IEEE Transactions on Learning …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Automatic multiple choice question (MCQ) generation from a text is a popular research area.
MCQs are widely accepted for large-scale assessment in various domains and applications …
MCQs are widely accepted for large-scale assessment in various domains and applications …
A comprehensive review on MCQ generation from text
VR Madri, S Meruva - Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2023 - Springer
While to save time, effort, and money by making and generating standard multiple choice
questions and generation through text is important and it is the current necessity for all …
questions and generation through text is important and it is the current necessity for all …
Generation of multiple-choice questions from textbook contents of school-level subjects
DR Ch, SK Saha - IEEE Transactions on Learning …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Multiple-choice question (MCQ) plays a significant role in educational assessment.
Automatic MCQ generation has been an active research area for years, and many systems …
Automatic MCQ generation has been an active research area for years, and many systems …
Automatic computer science domain multiple-choice questions generation based on informative sentences
Students require continuous feedback for effective learning. Multiple choice questions
(MCQs) are extensively used among various assessment methods to provide such …
(MCQs) are extensively used among various assessment methods to provide such …
RCM-extractor: an automated NLP-based approach for extracting a semi formal representation model from natural language requirements
Most existing (semi-) automated requirements formalisation techniques assume
requirements to be specified in predefined templates. They also employ template-specific …
requirements to be specified in predefined templates. They also employ template-specific …
Multiple-choice question generation with auto-generated distractors for computer-assisted educational assessment
Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) are used as instrumental tool for assessment, not only in
various competitive examinations but also in contemporary information and communications …
various competitive examinations but also in contemporary information and communications …
Identifying the centers of geographical public opinions in flood disasters based on improved conditional random field and focus theory
H Tang, X Rui, H Xu, Y **e - International Journal of Disaster Risk …, 2024 - Elsevier
Location entities in social media data are helpful references for characterizing floods during
the flood lifecycle; thus, accurately identifying location entities from social media data is a …
the flood lifecycle; thus, accurately identifying location entities from social media data is a …
Pattern-based syntactic simplification of compound and complex sentences
With the advent of new technologies, simplifying text automatically has been very popular
and of high importance among natural language researchers during the last decade. The …
and of high importance among natural language researchers during the last decade. The …
Analysis of Bangla transformation of sentences using machine learning
In many languages, various language processing tools have been developed. The work of
the Bengali NLP is getting richer day by day. Sentence pattern recognition in Bangla is a …
the Bengali NLP is getting richer day by day. Sentence pattern recognition in Bangla is a …
Split and rephrase with large language models
The Split and Rephrase (SPRP) task, which consists in splitting complex sentences into a
sequence of shorter grammatical sentences, while preserving the original meaning, can …
sequence of shorter grammatical sentences, while preserving the original meaning, can …