Trak: Attributing model behavior at scale
The goal of data attribution is to trace model predictions back to training data. Despite a long
line of work towards this goal, existing approaches to data attribution tend to force users to …
line of work towards this goal, existing approaches to data attribution tend to force users to …
Sharp analysis of low-rank kernel matrix approximations
F Bach - Conference on learning theory, 2013 - proceedings.mlr.press
We consider supervised learning problems within the positive-definite kernel framework,
such as kernel ridge regression, kernel logistic regression or the support vector machine …
such as kernel ridge regression, kernel logistic regression or the support vector machine …
Tensor-reduced atomic density representations
Density-based representations of atomic environments that are invariant under Euclidean
symmetries have become a widely used tool in the machine learning of interatomic …
symmetries have become a widely used tool in the machine learning of interatomic …
Sok: A review of differentially private linear models for high-dimensional data
Linear models are ubiquitous in data science, but are particularly prone to overfitting and
data memorization in high dimensions. To guarantee the privacy of training data, differential …
data memorization in high dimensions. To guarantee the privacy of training data, differential …
On the generalization of representations in reinforcement learning
In reinforcement learning, state representations are used to tractably deal with large problem
spaces. State representations serve both to approximate the value function with few …
spaces. State representations serve both to approximate the value function with few …
Task-aware compressed sensing with generative adversarial networks
In recent years, neural network approaches have been widely adopted for machine learning
tasks, with applications in computer vision. More recently, unsupervised generative models …
tasks, with applications in computer vision. More recently, unsupervised generative models …
Compressed learning: A deep neural network approach
Compressed Learning (CL) is a joint signal processing and machine learning framework for
inference from a signal, using a small number of measurements obtained by linear …
inference from a signal, using a small number of measurements obtained by linear …
Efficient kernel clustering using random fourier features
Kernel clustering algorithms have the ability to capture the non-linear structure inherent in
many real world data sets and thereby, achieve better clustering performance than …
many real world data sets and thereby, achieve better clustering performance than …
Sketching for large-scale learning of mixture models
Learning parameters from voluminous data can be prohibitive in terms of memory and
computational requirements. We propose a 'compressive learning'framework, where we …
computational requirements. We propose a 'compressive learning'framework, where we …
Efficient private empirical risk minimization for high-dimensional learning
Dimensionality reduction is a popular approach for dealing with high dimensional data that
leads to substantial computational savings. Random projections are a simple and effective …
leads to substantial computational savings. Random projections are a simple and effective …