A survey on task offloading in multi-access edge computing
With the advent of new technologies in both hardware and software, we are in the need of a
new type of application that requires huge computation power and minimal delay …
new type of application that requires huge computation power and minimal delay …
A survey on end-edge-cloud orchestrated network computing paradigms: Transparent computing, mobile edge computing, fog computing, and cloudlet
Sending data to the cloud for analysis was a prominent trend during the past decades,
driving cloud computing as a dominant computing paradigm. However, the dramatically …
driving cloud computing as a dominant computing paradigm. However, the dramatically …
Joint multi-task offloading and resource allocation for mobile edge computing systems in satellite IoT
For multi-task mobile edge computing (MEC) systems in satellite Internet of Things (IoT),
there are dependencies between different tasks, which need to be collected and jointly …
there are dependencies between different tasks, which need to be collected and jointly …
Fast adaptive task offloading in edge computing based on meta reinforcement learning
Multi-access edge computing (MEC) aims to extend cloud service to the network edge to
reduce network traffic and service latency. A fundamental problem in MEC is how to …
reduce network traffic and service latency. A fundamental problem in MEC is how to …
Reverse auction-based computation offloading and resource allocation in mobile cloud-edge computing
This article proposes a novel Reverse Auction-based Computation Offloading and Resource
Allocation Mechanism, named RACORAM for the mobile Cloud-Edge computing. The basic …
Allocation Mechanism, named RACORAM for the mobile Cloud-Edge computing. The basic …
Deep-reinforcement-learning-based offloading scheduling for vehicular edge computing
Vehicular edge computing (VEC) is a new computing paradigm that has great potential to
enhance the capability of vehicle terminals (VTs) to support resource-hungry in-vehicle …
enhance the capability of vehicle terminals (VTs) to support resource-hungry in-vehicle …
Dependent task offloading for edge computing based on deep reinforcement learning
Edge computing is an emerging promising computing paradigm that brings computation and
storage resources to the network edge, hence significantly reducing the service latency and …
storage resources to the network edge, hence significantly reducing the service latency and …
Energy-efficient dynamic computation offloading and cooperative task scheduling in mobile cloud computing
Mobile cloud computing (MCC) as an emerging and prospective computing paradigm, can
significantly enhance computation capability and save energy for smart mobile devices …
significantly enhance computation capability and save energy for smart mobile devices …
Joint computation offloading and task caching for multi-user and multi-task MEC systems: reinforcement learning-based algorithms
Computation offloading at mobile edge computing (MEC) servers can mitigate the resource
limitation and reduce the communication latency for mobile devices. Thereby, in this study …
limitation and reduce the communication latency for mobile devices. Thereby, in this study …
Computation offloading in multi-access edge computing using a deep sequential model based on reinforcement learning
MEC is an emerging paradigm that utilizes computing resources at the network edge to
deploy heterogeneous applications and services. In the MEC system, mobile users and …
deploy heterogeneous applications and services. In the MEC system, mobile users and …