Generalized surface quasi‐geostrophic equations with singular velocities
This paper establishes several existence and uniqueness results for two families of active
scalar equations with velocity fields determined by the scalars through very singular …
scalar equations with velocity fields determined by the scalars through very singular …
The role of self-similarity in singularities of partial differential equations
We survey rigorous, formal and numerical results on the formation of point-like singularities
(or blow-up) for a wide range of evolution equations. We use a similarity transformation of …
(or blow-up) for a wide range of evolution equations. We use a similarity transformation of …
[หนังสือ][B] Dynamics and analysis of alignment models of collective behavior
R Shvydkoy - 2021 - Springer
Collective phenomena occur in nature, technology, and social behavior in a vast variety of
contexts. For example, birds and fish use their sensory abilities to communicate and align …
contexts. For example, birds and fish use their sensory abilities to communicate and align …
Global regularity for the fractional Euler alignment system
We study a pressureless Euler system with a non-linear density-dependent alignment term,
originating in the Cucker–Smale swarming models. The alignment term is dissipative in the …
originating in the Cucker–Smale swarming models. The alignment term is dissipative in the …
Inviscid models generalizing the two-dimensional Euler and the surface quasi-geostrophic equations
Any classical solution of the two-dimensional incompressible Euler equation is global in
time. However, it remains an outstanding open problem whether classical solutions of the …
time. However, it remains an outstanding open problem whether classical solutions of the …
Formation of singularities for a transport equation with nonlocal velocity
Formation of Singularities for a Transport Equation with Nonlocal Velocity Page 1 Annals of
Mathematics, 162 (2005), 1377-1389 Formation of singularities for a transport equation with …
Mathematics, 162 (2005), 1377-1389 Formation of singularities for a transport equation with …
[PDF][PDF] Nonlinear diffusion of dislocation density and self-similar solutions
arxiv:0812.4979v1 [math.AP] 29 Dec 2008 Page 1 arxiv:0812.4979v1 [math.AP] 29 Dec 2008
On a generalization of the Constantin–Lax–Majda equation
We present evidence on the global existence of solutions of De Gregorio's equation, based
on numerical computation and a mathematical criterion analogous to the Beale–Kato–Majda …
on numerical computation and a mathematical criterion analogous to the Beale–Kato–Majda …
Incompressible Euler equations: the blow-up problem and related results
D Chae - Handbook of Differential Equations: Evolutionary …, 2008 - Elsevier
The question of spontaneous apparition of singularity in the 3D incompressible Euler
equations is one of the most important and challenging open problems in mathematical fluid …
equations is one of the most important and challenging open problems in mathematical fluid …
[HTML][HTML] A mass-transportation approach to a one dimensional fluid mechanics model with nonlocal velocity
We consider a one dimensional transport model with nonlocal velocity given by the Hilbert
transform and develop a global well-posedness theory of probability measure solutions …
transform and develop a global well-posedness theory of probability measure solutions …