Synthesis, evaluation, and biocompatibility study of magnetite nano particles in normal cells and cancer cells for health care application
Magnetic nanoparticles have been synthesized in a very simple and economical way by the
co-precipitation method, where the effect of molar concentrations of ferric chloride …
co-precipitation method, where the effect of molar concentrations of ferric chloride …
Azo-functionalized superparamagnetic Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles: An efficient adsorbent for the removal of bromocresol green from contaminated water
H Saad, FAN El-Dien, NEA El-Gamel, ASA Dena - RSC advances, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Water contamination is regarded as one of the world's worst tragedies owing to the continual
depletion of water resources suitable for drinking and agriculture. Researchers have …
depletion of water resources suitable for drinking and agriculture. Researchers have …
Degradable silk-based soft actuators with magnetic responsiveness
N Deng, J Li, H Lyu, R Huang, H Liu… - Journal of Materials …, 2022 - pubs.rsc.org
Soft actuators with stimuli-responsiveness have great potential in biomedical applications
such as drug delivery and minimally invasive surgery. In this study, protein-based soft …
such as drug delivery and minimally invasive surgery. In this study, protein-based soft …
Protein Conjugation Helped CdTe Quantum Dots for the Specific Labeling and Super‐Resolution Imaging of Lysosomes
Semiconductor quantum dots possess many attractive features such as high quantum yield,
and narrow emission, and offer great advantages over organic dyes. However, the …
and narrow emission, and offer great advantages over organic dyes. However, the …