Advances in seasonal thermal energy storage for solar district heating applications: A critical review on large-scale hot-water tank and pit thermal energy storage …
Nowadays, buildings consume a large amount of conventional energy sources in European
countries and subsequently they contribute significantly to fossil fuels emissions. Therefore …
countries and subsequently they contribute significantly to fossil fuels emissions. Therefore …
A review on recent development of thermal performance enhancement methods of flat plate solar water heater
The present review focusses on the recent developments in the thermo-economic
performance of solar water heating systems regarding the design, modification of thermo …
performance of solar water heating systems regarding the design, modification of thermo …
Large-scale solar district heating plants in Danish smart thermal grid: Developments and recent trends
Large solar collector fields are very popular in district heating system in Denmark, even
though the solar radiation source is not favorable at high latitudes compared to many other …
though the solar radiation source is not favorable at high latitudes compared to many other …
[HTML][HTML] Recent developments of thermal energy storage applications in the built environment: A bibliometric analysis and systematic review
The energy consumption in the built environment represents one of the major contributors of
carbon emissions to the atmosphere. This leads to the need for a transition in the building …
carbon emissions to the atmosphere. This leads to the need for a transition in the building …
[HTML][HTML] Design optimization of a district heating and cooling system with a borehole seasonal thermal energy storage
The optimal design of borehole thermal energy storage systems can ensure their techno-
economical goals are met. Current design optimization methods either employ detailed …
economical goals are met. Current design optimization methods either employ detailed …
Thermo-economic optimization of a hybrid solar district heating plant with flat plate collectors and parabolic trough collectors in series
Z Tian, B Perers, S Furbo, J Fan - Energy Conversion and Management, 2018 - Elsevier
Large-scale solar heating plants for district heating networks have gained great success in
Europe, particularly in Denmark. A hybrid solar district heating plant with 5960 m 2 flat plate …
Europe, particularly in Denmark. A hybrid solar district heating plant with 5960 m 2 flat plate …
Compact, efficient, and affordable absorption Carnot battery for long-term renewable energy storage
The growing penetration of renewable energy poses significant challenges to the stability of
the power grid, necessitating the development of advanced energy storage systems to …
the power grid, necessitating the development of advanced energy storage systems to …
Micro encapsulated & form-stable phase change materials for high temperature thermal energy storage
Chloride molten salts are promising candidates for high temperature thermal storage
applications, owing to their energy storage density and thermal stability. Nevertheless, the …
applications, owing to their energy storage density and thermal stability. Nevertheless, the …
Seasonal-regulatable energy systems design and optimization for solar energy year-round utilization☆
Abstract Space heating via fossil energy accounts for tremendous energy consumption and
carbon emissions. Solar energy has enormous potential for building space heating in the …
carbon emissions. Solar energy has enormous potential for building space heating in the …
Environmental and economic assessment of borehole thermal energy storage in district heating systems
District heating will play an important role for heat provision in temperate and cold climate
zones in the future. However, in the context of decarbonizing the heating sector …
zones in the future. However, in the context of decarbonizing the heating sector …