Colloquium: Quantum anomalous Hall effect
The quantum Hall (QH) effect, quantized Hall resistance combined with zero longitudinal
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
resistance, is the characteristic experimental fingerprint of Chern insulators—topologically …
Graphene and beyond: recent advances in two-dimensional materials synthesis, properties, and devices
Since the isolation of graphene in 2004, two-dimensional (2D) materials research has
rapidly evolved into an entire subdiscipline in the physical sciences with a wide range of …
rapidly evolved into an entire subdiscipline in the physical sciences with a wide range of …
[HTML][HTML] Axion electrodynamics in topological materials
One of the intriguing properties characteristic to three-dimensional topological materials is
the topological magnetoelectric phenomena arising from a topological term called the θ …
the topological magnetoelectric phenomena arising from a topological term called the θ …
Tunable 3D/2D magnetism in the (MnBi2Te4)(Bi2Te3)m topological insulators family
Feasibility of many emergent phenomena that intrinsic magnetic topological insulators (TIs)
may host depends crucially on our ability to engineer and efficiently tune their electronic and …
may host depends crucially on our ability to engineer and efficiently tune their electronic and …
Intertwined Topological and Magnetic Orders in Atomically Thin Chern Insulator MnBi2Te4
MnBi2Te4, a van der Waals magnet, is an emergent platform for exploring Chern insulator
physics. Its layered antiferromagnetic order was predicted to enable even–odd layer number …
physics. Its layered antiferromagnetic order was predicted to enable even–odd layer number …
Emergent phenomena in magnetic two-dimensional materials and van der Waals heterostructures
Two-dimensional (2D) materials and their van der Waals (vdW) heterostructures provide
powerful platforms for exploring fascinating physical phenomena and implementing …
powerful platforms for exploring fascinating physical phenomena and implementing …
Site mixing for engineering magnetic topological insulators
The van der Waals compound, MnBi 2 Te 4, is the first intrinsic magnetic topological
insulator, providing a materials platform for exploring exotic quantum phenomena such as …
insulator, providing a materials platform for exploring exotic quantum phenomena such as …
Intrinsic magnetic topological insulators
Introducing magnetism into topological insulators breaks time-reversal symmetry, and the
magnetic exchange interaction can open a gap in the otherwise gapless topological surface …
magnetic exchange interaction can open a gap in the otherwise gapless topological surface …
Annealing-Tunable charge density wave in the magnetic Kagome material FEGE
The unprecedented phenomenon that a charge density wave (CDW) emerges inside the
antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase indicates an unusual CDW mechanism associated with …
antiferromagnetic (AFM) phase indicates an unusual CDW mechanism associated with …
Research progress of two-dimensional magnetic materials
C Dai, P He, L Luo, P Zhan, B Guan, J Zheng - Science China Materials, 2023 - Springer
Because of their ultrathin thickness, two-dimensional (2D) materials exhibit unique
properties in different fields, such as electronics and catalysis. As one of these materials, a …
properties in different fields, such as electronics and catalysis. As one of these materials, a …