[HTML][HTML] Microstructures and mechanical properties of titanium-reinforced magnesium matrix composites: Review and perspective
Currently, many gratifying signs of progress have been made in magnesium (Mg) matrix
composites (MMCs) by virtue of their high mechanical properties both at room and elevated …
composites (MMCs) by virtue of their high mechanical properties both at room and elevated …
[HTML][HTML] The interface structure and property of magnesium matrix composites: A review
H ** a fundamental theory has been challenging because of the intricate …
Conventional stir casting versus ultrasonic assisted stir casting process: Mechanical and physical characteristics of AMCs
In this study, aluminum matrix composites (AMCs) were developed using two different
techniques, conventional stir casting and ultrasonic assisted stir casting. The drawbacks of …
techniques, conventional stir casting and ultrasonic assisted stir casting. The drawbacks of …
Effect of micron-Ti particles on microstructure and mechanical properties of Mg–3Al–1Zn based composites
J Ye, J Li, H Luo, J Tan, X Chen, B Feng… - Materials Science and …, 2022 - Elsevier
In the field of metal matrix composites, it is a great challenge to simultaneously improve the
strength, ductility and elastic modulus of magnesium matrix composites (MMCs). In this work …
strength, ductility and elastic modulus of magnesium matrix composites (MMCs). In this work …
Development of titanium particulate reinforced AZ31 magnesium matrix composites via friction stir processing
Friction stir processing (FSP) was applied to develop pure titanium (Ti) particulate reinforced
AZ31B magnesium matrix composites (MMCs). Machined groove strategy was used to pack …
AZ31B magnesium matrix composites (MMCs). Machined groove strategy was used to pack …
Supercooling suppression and crystallization behaviour of erythritol/expanded graphite as form-stable phase change material
The serious supercooling of erythritol (ET) limits its application in the field of mid-
temperature thermal energy storage (TES), especially in the recently developed form-stable …
temperature thermal energy storage (TES), especially in the recently developed form-stable …
Droplet solidification: Physics and modelling
Droplet solidification has received much attention over the last two decades due its
relevance in natural processes as well as engineering applications. Study of droplet …
relevance in natural processes as well as engineering applications. Study of droplet …