[HTML][HTML] Chiral liquid crystals: structures, phases, effects

I Dierking - Symmetry, 2014 - mdpi.com
The introduction of chirality, ie, the lack of mirror symmetry, has a profound effect on liquid
crystals, not only on the molecular scale but also on the supermolecular scale and phase. I …

Physics of colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals

H Stark - Physics Reports, 2001 - Elsevier
This article reviews the physics of colloidal dispersions in nematic liquid crystals as a novel
challenging type of soft matter. We first investigate the nematic environment of one particle …

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in polar fluids

CJ Gibb, J Hobbs, DI Nikolova, T Raistrick… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Spontaneous symmetry breaking and emergent polar order are each of fundamental
importance to a range of scientific disciplines, as well as generating rich phase behaviour in …

Graphene chiral liquid crystals and macroscopic assembled fibres

Z Xu, C Gao - Nature communications, 2011 - nature.com
Chirality and liquid crystals are both widely expressed in nature and biology. Helical
assembly of mesophasic molecules and colloids may produce intriguing chiral liquid …

[KNJIGA][B] Handbook of liquid crystals, 8 volume set

JW Goodby, PJ Collings, T Kato, C Tschierske… - 2014 - books.google.com
Much more than a slight revision, this second edition of the successful" Handbook of Liquid
Crystals" is completely restructured and streamlined, with updated as well as completely …

[KNJIGA][B] Handbook of Liquid Crystals: Set

D Demus, HW Demus, J Goodby, GW Gray, HW Spiess… - 1998 - Wiley Online Library
The Handbook of Liquid Crystals is a unique compendium of knowledge on all aspects of
liquid crystals. In over 2000 pages the Handbook provides detailed information on the basic …

[KNJIGA][B] Smectic and columnar liquid crystals: concepts and physical properties illustrated by experiments

P Oswald, P Pieranski - 2005 - taylorfrancis.com
Based on graduate lectures given by the authors, Smectic and Columnar Liquid Crystals:
Concepts and Physical Properties Illustrated by Experiments examines lamellar (smectic) …

Spontaneous formation of macroscopic chiral domains in a fluid smectic phase of achiral molecules

DR Link, G Natale, R Shao, JE Maclennan, NA Clark… - Science, 1997 - science.org
A smectic liquid-crystal phase made from achiral molecules with bent cores was found to
have fluid layers that exhibit two spontaneous symmetry-breaking instabilities: polar …

[KNJIGA][B] Chirality in liquid crystals

C Bahr, HS Kitzerow - 2001 - Springer
The existence or nonexistence of mirror symmetry plays an important role in nature. The lack
of mirror symmetry, called chirality, can be found in systems of all length scales, from …

Bent-core liquid crystals: their mysterious and attractive world

H Takezoe, Y Takanishi - Japanese journal of applied physics, 2006 - iopscience.iop.org
Structures and properties of liquid crystalline phases formed by bent-core molecules are
reviewed. At least eight phases designated as B1–B8 have been found, being …