Latest development on pulsed laser deposited thin films for advanced luminescence applications
Currently, pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is a widely used technique to grow thin films for
academic research and for industrial applications. The PLD has superior advantages …
academic research and for industrial applications. The PLD has superior advantages …
Pulsed laser deposition of a ZnO: Eu3+ thin film: Study of the luminescence and surface state under electron beam irradiation
A highly c-axis orientated Eu 3+ doped ZnO (ZnO: Eu 3+) thin film was successfully
deposited by pulsed laser deposition in an oxygen working atmosphere. The structure …
deposited by pulsed laser deposition in an oxygen working atmosphere. The structure …
Temperature induced upconversion behaviour of Ho3+-Yb3+ codoped yttrium oxide films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
Abstract Pulsed laser deposited Ho 3+-Yb 3+ codoped yttrium oxide films were grown on
silicon substrates in vacuum at different substrate temperatures (373, 573, 773 and 973 K) …
silicon substrates in vacuum at different substrate temperatures (373, 573, 773 and 973 K) …
Effect of Tb3+ ion concentration on photoluminescence and thermoluminescence studies of Y4Al2O9 phosphor
Abstract Herein Tb 3+(0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2 and 2.5 mol%) doped Y 4 Al 2 O 9 (monoclinic
phase of yttrium aluminium oxide Y/Al 2: 1) phosphors have been synthesized by …
phase of yttrium aluminium oxide Y/Al 2: 1) phosphors have been synthesized by …
The effect of different annealing temperatures on the structure and luminescence properties of Y2O3: Bi3+ thin films fabricated by spin coating
This paper reports on the structural, morphology and optical properties of Y 2− x O 3: Bi x=
0.005 micro-and nanophosphors synthesized via the spin coating method. The influence of …
0.005 micro-and nanophosphors synthesized via the spin coating method. The influence of …
The effect of different substrate temperatures on the structure and luminescence properties of Y2O3: Bi3+ thin films
Abstract Y 2 O 3: Bi 3+ phosphor thin films were prepared by pulsed laser deposition in the
presence of oxygen (O 2) gas. The microstructure and photoluminescence (PL) of these …
presence of oxygen (O 2) gas. The microstructure and photoluminescence (PL) of these …
Comparison of Y2O3: Bi3+ phosphor thin films fabricated by the spin coating and radio frequency magnetron techniques
The reactive radio-frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering and spin coating fabrication
techniques were used to fabricate Y 2− x O 3: Bi x= 0.5% phosphor thin films. The two …
techniques were used to fabricate Y 2− x O 3: Bi x= 0.5% phosphor thin films. The two …
Multifunctional properties of hybrid semiconducting nanomaterials and their applications
This chapter deals with the multifunctional properties of the semiconducting nanomaterials
including their optical, electronic, sensory, and catalytic functionalities for the multiple uses …
including their optical, electronic, sensory, and catalytic functionalities for the multiple uses …
Structural and morphology analysis of annealed Y3 (Al, Ga) 5O12: Tb thin films synthesized by pulsed laser deposition
Abstract Y 3 (Al, Ga) 5 O 12: Tb thin films were grown in an O 2 working atmosphere on Si (1
0 0) substrates using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. Micrometer and sub …
0 0) substrates using the pulsed laser deposition (PLD) technique. Micrometer and sub …
Effect of different annealing temperatures on the optical properties of Y3 (Al, Ga) 5O12: Tb thin films grown by PLD
Abstract Y 3 (Al, Ga) 5 O 12: Tb thin films have been prepared on SiO 2/Si (1 0 0) substrates
by using pulsed laser deposition. The deposited films were annealed in air at 800° C, 900° …
by using pulsed laser deposition. The deposited films were annealed in air at 800° C, 900° …