The nonperturbative functional renormalization group and its applications

N Dupuis, L Canet, A Eichhorn, W Metzner… - Physics Reports, 2021 - Elsevier
The renormalization group plays an essential role in many areas of physics, both
conceptually and as a practical tool to determine the long-distance low-energy properties of …

The Asymptotically Safe Standard Model: From quantum gravity to dynamical chiral symmetry breaking

Á Pastor-Gutiérrez, JM Pawlowski, M Reichert - SciPost Physics, 2023 -
We present a comprehensive non-perturbative study of the phase structure of the
asymptotically safe Standard Model. The physics scales included range from the …

Quark masses and mixings in minimally parameterized UV completions of the Standard Model

R Alkofer, A Eichhorn, A Held, CM Nieto, R Percacci… - Annals of Physics, 2020 - Elsevier
We explore a simple parameterization of new physics that results in an ultraviolet complete
gauge-quark sector of the Standard Model. Specifically, we add an antiscreening …

Effective asymptotic safety and its predictive power: Gauge-Yukawa theories

A Held - Frontiers in Physics, 2020 -
Effective field theory provides a new perspective on the predictive power of Renormalization
Group fixed points. Critical trajectories between different fixed points confine the regions of …

Radiative corrections to the R and R2 invariants from torsion fluctuations on maximally symmetric spaces

R Martini, G Paci, D Sauro - Journal of High Energy Physics, 2024 - Springer
A bstract We derive the runnings of the R and R 2 operators that stem from integrating out
quantum torsion fluctuations on a maximally symmetric Euclidean background, while …

Functional renormalization and the scheme

A Baldazzi, R Percacci, L Zambelli - Physical Review D, 2021 - APS
Working with scalar field theories, we discuss choices of regulator that, inserted in the
functional renormalization group equation, reproduce the results of dimensional …

Renormalization flow of nonlinear electrodynamics

H Gies, J Schirrmeister - Physical Review D, 2024 - APS
We study the renormalization flow of generic actions that depend on the invariants of the
field strength tensor of an Abelian gauge field. While the Maxwell action defines a Gaussian …

Asymptotically safe QED

H Gies, J Ziebell - The European Physical Journal C, 2020 - Springer
High-energy completeness of quantum electrodynamics (QED) can be induced by an
interacting ultraviolet fixed point of the renormalization flow. We provide evidence for the …

Interplay of chiral transitions in the standard model

H Gies, R Schmieden, L Zambelli - The European Physical Journal C, 2025 - Springer
We investigate nonperturbative aspects of the interplay of chiral transitions in the standard
model in the course of the renormalization flow. We focus on the chiral symmetry breaking …

Unveiling new phases of the Standard Model Higgs potential

F Goertz, Á Pastor-Gutiérrez - The European Physical Journal C, 2025 - Springer
We present evidence for new phases of the Standard Model Higgs potential. We study the
Standard Model physical trajectory accounting for the Higgs curvature mass with the mass …