[HTML][HTML] Responses of soil microbial community structure, potential ecological functions, and soil physicochemical properties to different cultivation patterns in …

M Zhang, G Liang, S Ren, L Li, C Li, Y Li, X Yu, Y Yin… - Geoderma, 2023 - Elsevier
Changing crop cultivation patterns may alleviate the negative effects of continuous crop**
by altering soil characteristics. But how soil properties and microbial states are specifically …

Agronomic management of malting barley and research needs to meet demand by the craft brew industry

RK Shrestha, LE Lindsey - Agronomy Journal, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
Core Ideas Agronomic management and environment affect malting barley yield and quality.
Most agronomic guidelines are from the Northwest and Northern Rockies and Plains …

A global dataset for crop production under conventional tillage and no tillage systems

Y Su, B Gabrielle, D Makowski - Scientific Data, 2021 - nature.com
No tillage (NT) is often presented as a means to grow crops with positive environmental
externalities, such as enhanced carbon sequestration, improved soil quality, reduced soil …

The effect of various long-term tillage systems on soil properties and spring barley yield

I Malecka, A Blecharczyk, Z Sawinska… - Turkish Journal of …, 2012 - journals.tubitak.gov.tr
This study, performed on a soil that is classified as Albic Luvisols that developed on loamy
sands overlying loamy material (1.4% organic matter and pH 6.5), concerns the impact of …

Winter wheat yield and quality related to tillage practice, input level and environmental conditions

V Šíp, R Vavera, J Chrpová, H Kusá, P Růžek - Soil and Tillage Research, 2013 - Elsevier
The grain yield and end-use quality of winter wheat can be affected by the crop
management system. A four year set of experiments, based on 13 winter wheat varieties and …

Pratylenchus neglectus Reduces Yield of Winter Wheat in Dryland Crop** Systems

RW Smiley, S Machado - Plant Disease, 2009 - Am Phytopath Society
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) in low-precipitation regions of eastern Oregon and Washington is
grown mostly as rainfed biennial winter wheat (10-month growing season) planted into …

Long‐term tillage on yield and water use of grain sorghum and winter wheat

AJ Schlegel, Y Assefa, LA Haag… - Agronomy …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Core Ideas Average sorghum yield advantage was 120% for no tillage over conventional
tillage and 55% for reduced tillage over conventional tillage. Average wheat yield advantage …