The combined effects of maize straw mulch and no-tillage on grain yield and water and nitrogen use efficiency of dry-land winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
H Yang, G Wu, P Mo, S Chen, S Wang, Y ** is necessary for sustainable
agricultural production. Phenolic acids play an important role in continuous crop** …
agricultural production. Phenolic acids play an important role in continuous crop** …
[HTML][HTML] Responses of soil microbial community structure, potential ecological functions, and soil physicochemical properties to different cultivation patterns in …
M Zhang, G Liang, S Ren, L Li, C Li, Y Li, X Yu, Y Yin… - Geoderma, 2023 - Elsevier
Changing crop cultivation patterns may alleviate the negative effects of continuous crop**
by altering soil characteristics. But how soil properties and microbial states are specifically …
by altering soil characteristics. But how soil properties and microbial states are specifically …
Agronomic management of malting barley and research needs to meet demand by the craft brew industry
Core Ideas Agronomic management and environment affect malting barley yield and quality.
Most agronomic guidelines are from the Northwest and Northern Rockies and Plains …
Most agronomic guidelines are from the Northwest and Northern Rockies and Plains …
A global dataset for crop production under conventional tillage and no tillage systems
No tillage (NT) is often presented as a means to grow crops with positive environmental
externalities, such as enhanced carbon sequestration, improved soil quality, reduced soil …
externalities, such as enhanced carbon sequestration, improved soil quality, reduced soil …
The effect of various long-term tillage systems on soil properties and spring barley yield
This study, performed on a soil that is classified as Albic Luvisols that developed on loamy
sands overlying loamy material (1.4% organic matter and pH 6.5), concerns the impact of …
sands overlying loamy material (1.4% organic matter and pH 6.5), concerns the impact of …
Winter wheat yield and quality related to tillage practice, input level and environmental conditions
V Šíp, R Vavera, J Chrpová, H Kusá, P Růžek - Soil and Tillage Research, 2013 - Elsevier
The grain yield and end-use quality of winter wheat can be affected by the crop
management system. A four year set of experiments, based on 13 winter wheat varieties and …
management system. A four year set of experiments, based on 13 winter wheat varieties and …
Pratylenchus neglectus Reduces Yield of Winter Wheat in Dryland Crop** Systems
Wheat (Triticum aestivum) in low-precipitation regions of eastern Oregon and Washington is
grown mostly as rainfed biennial winter wheat (10-month growing season) planted into …
grown mostly as rainfed biennial winter wheat (10-month growing season) planted into …
Long‐term tillage on yield and water use of grain sorghum and winter wheat
AJ Schlegel, Y Assefa, LA Haag… - Agronomy …, 2018 - Wiley Online Library
Core Ideas Average sorghum yield advantage was 120% for no tillage over conventional
tillage and 55% for reduced tillage over conventional tillage. Average wheat yield advantage …
tillage and 55% for reduced tillage over conventional tillage. Average wheat yield advantage …