Optical trap** with structured light: a review
Optical trap** describes the interaction between light and matter to manipulate micro-
objects through momentum transfer. In the case of 3D trap** with a single beam, this is …
objects through momentum transfer. In the case of 3D trap** with a single beam, this is …
Advances in light transverse momenta and optical lateral forces
<? pag\vskip-16pt?> Harnessing linear and angular momenta of light is one of the
cornerstones in modern optics and has found tremendous applications in optical circuits …
cornerstones in modern optics and has found tremendous applications in optical circuits …
Roadmap for optical tweezers
Optical tweezers are tools made of light that enable contactless pushing, trap**, and
manipulation of objects, ranging from atoms to space light sails. Since the pioneering work …
manipulation of objects, ranging from atoms to space light sails. Since the pioneering work …
Light–matter interaction empowered by orbital angular momentum: Control of matter at the micro-and nanoscale
Orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light is an important feature of structured
electromagnetic fields exhibiting non-uniform spatial distribution. In contrast to a spin …
electromagnetic fields exhibiting non-uniform spatial distribution. In contrast to a spin …
Optical manipulation heats up: Present and future of optothermal manipulation
Optothermal manipulation is a versatile technique that combines optical and thermal forces
to control synthetic micro-/nanoparticles and biological entities. This emerging technique …
to control synthetic micro-/nanoparticles and biological entities. This emerging technique …
Highly efficient dual-fiber optical trap** with 3D printed diffractive fresnel lenses
Highly efficient counter-propagating fiber-based optical traps are presented which utilize
converging beams from fibers with 3D printed diffractive Fresnel lenses on their facet. The …
converging beams from fibers with 3D printed diffractive Fresnel lenses on their facet. The …
Silicon nanowires synthesis by metal-assisted chemical etching: A review
Silicon is the undisputed leader for microelectronics among all the industrial materials and
Si nanostructures flourish as natural candidates for tomorrow's technologies due to the rising …
Si nanostructures flourish as natural candidates for tomorrow's technologies due to the rising …
Biosensing platforms based on silicon nanostructures: A critical review
Biosensors are revolutionizing the health-care systems worldwide, permitting to survey
several diseases, even at their early stage, by using different biomolecules such as proteins …
several diseases, even at their early stage, by using different biomolecules such as proteins …
Universal optothermal micro/nanoscale rotors
Rotation of micro/nano-objects is important for micro/nanorobotics, three-dimensional
imaging, and lab-on-a-chip systems. Optical rotation techniques are especially attractive …
imaging, and lab-on-a-chip systems. Optical rotation techniques are especially attractive …
Nanoscale tunable optical binding mediated by hyperbolic metamaterials
Carefully designed nanostructures can inspire a new type of optomechanical interactions
and allow surpassing limitations set by classical diffractive optical elements. Apart from …
and allow surpassing limitations set by classical diffractive optical elements. Apart from …