How to vary the input space of a T–S fuzzy model: A TP model transformation-based approach

P Baranyi - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2020 -
The motivation behind 15 years of continuous development within the topic of the tensor
product (TP) model transformation is that the greater the number of parameters or …

Extracting LPV and qLPV structures from state-space functions: A TP model transformation based framework

P Baranyi - IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2019 -
This paper proposes a tensor product (TP) model transformation-based framework requiring
minimal human intuition to numerically reconstruct linear time invariant, Takagi-Sugeno (TS) …

Combined longitudinal and lateral dynamics regulation of autonomous vehicles via induced ℒ 2 L _2‐gain linear parameter varying control strategies based on …

G Gagliardi, V D'Angelo… - International Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This article considers a path tracking control problem for autonomous vehicles constrained
to maintain a safe distance from the next vehicle in the lane. The control design problem is …

[PDF][PDF] Biological pest control based on tensor product transformation method

A Boonyaprapasorn, S Kuntanapreeda… - Acta Polytechnica …, 2020 -
Pest management, based on biological control, has drawn attention from several research
groups, due to the exclusion of chemical pesticides, which have debilitating outcomes, both …

Robust control design for the FLEXOP demonstrator aircraft via tensor product models

B Takarics, B Vanek - Asian Journal of Control, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
The paper proposes a control design methodology for active flutter suppression for the
aeroservoelastic (ASE) aircraft of the European project FLEXOP. The aim of the controller is …

Tensor product model HOSVD based polytopic LPV controller for suspension anti-vibration system

F Ma, J Li, L Wu - Journal of Vibration and Control, 2023 -
This paper presents a polytopic linear parameter varying (LPV) controller design
methodology for nonlinear anti-vibration suspension based on stochastic road identification …

[PDF][PDF] Extending the input and transformation space of different TP models: An LMI-based feasibility analysis

A Wéber, M Kuczmann, P Baranyi - Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 2023 -
This paper discusses that the selection and modification of the input and the transformation
space, of the Tensor Product (TP) model representation, of a given quasi–Linear Parameter …

TP transformation based observer and controller design of 2DoF aeroelastic wing section model

A Wéber, M Kuczmann - … on Internet of Digital Reality (IoD), 2022 -
This paper presents a Tensor Product (TP) model based observer and controller design via
Linear Matrix In-equality (LMI) method of 2DoF aeroelastic wing section model. The …

[HTML][HTML] LMI feasibility analysis of 2DOF NATA model

A Wéber, M Kuczmann - Pollack Periodica, 2024 -
Present paper shows the different types of tensor product model based linear matrix
inequality controller design and feasibility analysis of two degrees of freedom aeroelastic …

Local Extrema Refinement Based Tensor Product Model Transformation Controller Design with Vary Input Methods

B Shi, G Zhao, S Huang - International Journal of Control, Automation and …, 2022 - Springer
Tensor product model transformation could find a convex polytope representation similar to
the Takagi-Sugeno (TS) fuzzy model from the given quasi-linear variable parameter (quasi …