Influence of MBBR carrier geometrical properties and biofilm thickness restraint on biofilm properties, effluent particle size distribution, settling velocity distribution, and …
The relatively poor settling characteristics of particles produced in moving bed biofilm
reactor (MBBR) outline the importance of develo** a fundamental understanding of the …
reactor (MBBR) outline the importance of develo** a fundamental understanding of the …
Geotechnical properties of washed mineral waste from grit chambers and its potential use as soil backfill and road embankment materials
The current practice of managing washed mineral waste from grit chambers under national
legislation focuses primarily on its disposal, generating high costs for wastewater treatment …
legislation focuses primarily on its disposal, generating high costs for wastewater treatment …
Characterizing the settleability of grit particles
Q Plana, A Pauléat, A Gadbois… - Water Environment …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Grit chambers are installed at the headworks of a water resource recovery facility (WRRF) to
reduce the impact of grit particles to the equipment and processes downstream. This settling …
reduce the impact of grit particles to the equipment and processes downstream. This settling …
Characterization and modelling of grit chambers based on particle settling velocity distributions
Q Plana Puig - 2020 -
Grit chambers can be found at the headworks of most water resource recovery facilities (WR-
RFs) to protect equipment and the processes downstream and maintain the performance of …
RFs) to protect equipment and the processes downstream and maintain the performance of …
Investigating the effective removal of fat, oil and grease (FOG) in water treatment plants of the Mangaung Metropolitan Municipality
MG Sello - 2023 -
The most common type of wastewater under low-strength waste streams is municipal
wastewater. It is characterised by low organic strength and high particulate organic matter …
wastewater. It is characterised by low organic strength and high particulate organic matter …
[PDF][PDF] Environmental impact assessment of a domestic wastewater treatment plant in Bangkok, Thailand
ABSTRACT The Wastewater Treatment Plant in Thailand plays a crucial role in treating raw
domestic wastewater. The wastewater treatment plant can also be integrated with the water …
domestic wastewater. The wastewater treatment plant can also be integrated with the water …
Elaboração de banco de dados das ETE's de esgoto sanitário na região metropolitana de Belém para fins de planejamento e operação envolvendo fase líquida …
RESUMO O presente trabalho técnico consistiu na elaboração de banco de dados das
estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETE's) sanitário da região metropolitana de Belém …
estações de tratamento de esgoto (ETE's) sanitário da região metropolitana de Belém …
Modern treatment techniques for the recycling and reuse of wastewater: An Indian perspective
Water is an important resource required for the survival of plants, animals, and human
beings. In recent decades, a rapid industrial growth has increased the load of toxic …
beings. In recent decades, a rapid industrial growth has increased the load of toxic …