Novel low-carbon energy solutions for powering emerging wearables, smart textiles, and medical devices
One of the most major agendas to mitigate climate change is the transition to low-carbon
energy extraction. Furthermore, develo** cutting-edge prototypes for wearable …
energy extraction. Furthermore, develo** cutting-edge prototypes for wearable …
Nonfullerene acceptor molecules for bulk heterojunction organic solar cells
The bulk-heterojunction blend of an electron donor and an electron acceptor material is the
key component in a solution-processed organic photovoltaic device. In the past decades, a p …
key component in a solution-processed organic photovoltaic device. In the past decades, a p …
Selenium heterocyclic electron acceptor with small urbach energy for as-cast high-performance organic solar cells
Typical organic photovoltaic materials show high Urbach energies (ca. 25–50 meV), which
is considerably higher than those of their inorganic counterparts and limits further …
is considerably higher than those of their inorganic counterparts and limits further …
Critical review of the molecular design progress in non-fullerene electron acceptors towards commercially viable organic solar cells
Fullerenes have formed an integral part of high performance organic solar cells over the last
20 years, however their inherent limitations in terms of synthetic flexibility, cost and stability …
20 years, however their inherent limitations in terms of synthetic flexibility, cost and stability …
n-Type molecular photovoltaic materials: design strategies and device applications
The use of photovoltaic technologies has been regarded as a promising approach for
converting solar energy to electricity and mitigating the energy crisis, and among these …
converting solar energy to electricity and mitigating the energy crisis, and among these …
Highly efficient fullerene-free organic solar cells operate at near zero highest occupied molecular orbital offsets
Herein, we investigated a series of fullerene-free organic solar cells (OSCs) based on six
different donor: acceptor (D: A) blends with varied highest occupied molecular orbital …
different donor: acceptor (D: A) blends with varied highest occupied molecular orbital …
A high‐efficiency organic solar cell enabled by the strong intramolecular electron push–pull effect of the nonfullerene acceptor
Besides broadening of the absorption spectrum, modulating molecular energy levels, and
other well‐studied properties, a stronger intramolecular electron push–pull effect also …
other well‐studied properties, a stronger intramolecular electron push–pull effect also …
Multi‐selenophene‐containing narrow bandgap polymer acceptors for all‐polymer solar cells with over 15% efficiency and high reproducibility
All‐polymer solar cells (all‐PSCs) progressed tremendously due to recent advances in
polymerized small molecule acceptors (PSMAs), and their power conversion efficiencies …
polymerized small molecule acceptors (PSMAs), and their power conversion efficiencies …
Selenium-containing organic photovoltaic materials
Conspectus Organic photovoltaics (OPVs) with a photoactive layer containing a blend of
organic donor and acceptor species are considered to be a promising technology for clean …
organic donor and acceptor species are considered to be a promising technology for clean …
Recent progress in non-fullerene small molecule acceptors in organic solar cells (OSCs)
Power conversion efficiency (PCE) has surpassed 10% for single junction organic solar cells
(OSCs) mainly through the design and synthesis of novel donor materials, the optimization …
(OSCs) mainly through the design and synthesis of novel donor materials, the optimization …