[КНИГА][B] Handbook of differential equations
D Zwillinger, V Dobrushkin - 2021 - api.taylorfrancis.com
Through the previous three editions, Handbook of Differential Equations has proven an
invaluable reference for anyone working within the field of mathematics, including …
invaluable reference for anyone working within the field of mathematics, including …
Integral representations for the double-diffusivity system on the half-line
A Chatziafratis, EC Aifantis, A Carbery… - Zeitschrift für angewandte …, 2024 - Springer
A novel method is presented for explicitly solving inhomogeneous initial-boundary-value
problems (IBVPs) on the half-line for a well-known coupled system of evolution partial …
problems (IBVPs) on the half-line for a well-known coupled system of evolution partial …
Rigorous analysis of the unified transform method and long-range instabilities for the inhomogeneous time-dependent Schrödinger equation on the quarter-plane
A Chatziafratis, T Ozawa, SF Tian - Mathematische Annalen, 2024 - Springer
In this paper, we report on the discovery of a previously-unknown type of long-range
instability phenomenon for the one-dimensional linear Schrödinger (LS) equation on the …
instability phenomenon for the one-dimensional linear Schrödinger (LS) equation on the …
Accurate solution method for the Maxey–Riley equation, and the effects of Basset history
The Maxey–Riley equation has been extensively used by the fluid dynamics community to
study the dynamics of small inertial particles in fluid flow. However, most often, the Basset …
study the dynamics of small inertial particles in fluid flow. However, most often, the Basset …
Extended water wave systems of Boussinesq equations on a finite interval: theory and numerical analysis
Considered here is a class of Boussinesq systems of Nwogu type. Such systems describe
propagation of nonlinear and dispersive water waves of significant interest such as solitary …
propagation of nonlinear and dispersive water waves of significant interest such as solitary …
Numerical computation of Neumann controls for the heat equation on a finite interval
This article presents a new numerical method, which approximates Neumann type null
controls for the heat equation and is based on the Fokas method. This is a direct method for …
controls for the heat equation and is based on the Fokas method. This is a direct method for …
Extensions of the d'Alembert formulae to the half line and the finite interval obtained via the unified transform
We derive the solution of the one-dimensional wave equation for the Dirichlet and Robin
initial-boundary value problems (IBVPs) formulated on the half line and the finite interval …
initial-boundary value problems (IBVPs) formulated on the half line and the finite interval …
The unified transform for evolution equations on the half‐line with time‐periodic boundary conditions
This paper elaborates on a new approach for solving the generalized Dirichlet‐to‐Neumann
map, in the large time limit, for linear evolution PDEs formulated on the half‐line with time …
map, in the large time limit, for linear evolution PDEs formulated on the half‐line with time …
Fokas diagonalization of piecewise constant coefficient linear differential operators on finite intervals and networks
We describe a new form of diagonalization for linear two point constant coefficient
differential operators with arbitrary linear boundary conditions. Although the diagonalization …
differential operators with arbitrary linear boundary conditions. Although the diagonalization …
Kernel density estimation with linked boundary conditions
Kernel density estimation on a finite interval poses an outstanding challenge because of the
well‐recognized bias at the boundaries of the interval. Motivated by an application in cancer …
well‐recognized bias at the boundaries of the interval. Motivated by an application in cancer …