Heat transfer enhancement using different types of vortex generators (VGs): A review on experimental and numerical activities
This paper presents a comprehensive review on heat transfer augmentation and pressure
loss reduction of compact heat exchanger (CHXs) by using interrupted surfaces in the form …
loss reduction of compact heat exchanger (CHXs) by using interrupted surfaces in the form …
Parametric sensitivity analysis and optimisation of a solar air heater with multiple rows of longitudinal vortex generators
This current research is focused on sensitivity analysis and surrogate-based optimization of
solar air heater channel-types with three rows delta winglet pairs arranged in both Common …
solar air heater channel-types with three rows delta winglet pairs arranged in both Common …
Experimental and numerical thermal performance in solar receiver heat exchanger with trapezoidal louvered winglet and wavy groove
A numerical and experimental study on the thermal–hydraulic performance of a solar
receiver heat exchanger (SRH) equipped with a newly designed longitudinal-vortex …
receiver heat exchanger (SRH) equipped with a newly designed longitudinal-vortex …
Experimental investigations of heat transfer enhancement by plane and curved winglet type vortex generators with punched holes
G Zhou, Z Feng - International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2014 - Elsevier
Experiments were carried out to investigate the performance of plane and curved winglet
(rectangular, trapezoidal and delta) vortex generators (VGs) with and without punched …
(rectangular, trapezoidal and delta) vortex generators (VGs) with and without punched …
Thermal-hydraulic characteristic of a novel wavy fin-and-circle tube heat exchanger with concave curved vortex generators
KW Song, DL Hu, Q Zhang, K Zhang, X Wu… - International Journal of …, 2022 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a novel configuration of two pairs of concave curved vortex generators
located beside each tube in a wavy fin-and-circle tube heat exchanger. The effect of the …
located beside each tube in a wavy fin-and-circle tube heat exchanger. The effect of the …
An investigation of the thermo-hydraulic performance of the smooth wavy fin-and-elliptical tube heat exchangers utilizing new type vortex generators
A three-dimensional CFD numerical simulation is successfully carried out on thermo-
hydraulic characteristics of a new smooth wavy fin-and-elliptical tube (SWFET) heat …
hydraulic characteristics of a new smooth wavy fin-and-elliptical tube (SWFET) heat …
Numerical study on laminar convection heat transfer in a rectangular channel with longitudinal vortex generator. Part A: Verification of field synergy principle
JM Wu, WQ Tao - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008 - Elsevier
This study presents numerical computation results on laminar convection heat transfer in a
rectangular channel with a pair of rectangular winglets longitudinal vortex generator …
rectangular channel with a pair of rectangular winglets longitudinal vortex generator …
Double-sided delta-wing tape inserts to enhance convective heat transfer and fluid flow characteristics of a double-pipe heat exchanger
One of the challenges in the development of heat exchangers is to minimize their energy
consumption. This can be achieved by enhancing the heat transfer rate, which will boost the …
consumption. This can be achieved by enhancing the heat transfer rate, which will boost the …
Analysis of heat transfer and pressure drop for fin-and-tube heat exchangers with rectangular winglet-type vortex generators
In present work, heat transfer enhancement and pressure loss penalty for fin-and-tube heat
exchangers with rectangular winglet pairs (RWPs) were numerically investigated in a …
exchangers with rectangular winglet pairs (RWPs) were numerically investigated in a …
Enhancement of heat transfer in a fin-tube heat exchanger using rectangular winglet type vortex generators
The present study simulates the air flow through fin-tube type heat exchangers with
rectangular winglet pairs (RWP) of half the channel height as vortex generators (VG). The …
rectangular winglet pairs (RWP) of half the channel height as vortex generators (VG). The …