Himalayan metamorphism and its tectonic implications
The Himalayan range exposes a spectacular assemblage of metamorphic rocks from the
mid-and deep crust that have fostered numerous models of how the crust responds to …
mid-and deep crust that have fostered numerous models of how the crust responds to …
Garnet: A rock-forming mineral petrochronometer
Garnet could be the ultimate petrochronometer. Not only can you date it directly (with an
accuracy and precision that may surprise some), but it is also a common rock-forming and …
accuracy and precision that may surprise some), but it is also a common rock-forming and …
Cenozoic tectonic history of the Himachal Himalaya (northwestern India) and its constraints on the formation mechanism of the Himalayan orogen
A central debate for the evolution of the Himalayan orogen is how the Greater Himalayan
Crystalline complex in its core was emplaced during the Cenozoic Indo-Asian collision …
Crystalline complex in its core was emplaced during the Cenozoic Indo-Asian collision …
Integrated pressure–temperature–time constraints for the T so M orari dome (N orthwest I ndia): implications for the burial and exhumation path of UHP units in the …
Northward subduction of the leading edge of the I ndian continental margin to depths greater
than 100 km during the early Eocene resulted in high‐pressure (HP) quartz‐eclogite to …
than 100 km during the early Eocene resulted in high‐pressure (HP) quartz‐eclogite to …
Orogen‐parallel ductile extension and extrusion of the Greater Himalaya in the late Oligocene and Miocene
Z Xu, Q Wang, A Pêcher, F Liang, X Qi, Z Cai, H Li… - …, 2013 - Wiley Online Library
Predominant stretching structures in the Greater Himalayan Crystalline Complex (GHC)
trend perpendicular to the belt and are linked to the southward exhumation or emplacement …
trend perpendicular to the belt and are linked to the southward exhumation or emplacement …
Preliminary balanced palinspastic reconstruction of Cenozoic deformation across the Himachal Himalaya (northwestern India)
A line-length balanced palinspastic reconstruction across the Himachal Himalaya is
presented, highlighting different phases of Himalayan tectonic development: Eocene …
presented, highlighting different phases of Himalayan tectonic development: Eocene …
U-Pb zircon geochronology of major lithologic units in the eastern Himalaya: Implications for the origin and assembly of Himalayan rocks
Abstract Models for the origin and deformation of Himalayan rocks are dependent upon
geometric and age relationships between major units. We present field map** and U-Pb …
geometric and age relationships between major units. We present field map** and U-Pb …
Deformation temperatures and flow vorticities near the base of the Greater Himalayan Series, Sutlej Valley and Shimla Klippe, NW India
We report new deformation temperature and flow vorticity data from the base of the Greater
Himalayan Series (GHS) exposed in the Sutlej Valley and Shimla Klippe of NW India. We …
Himalayan Series (GHS) exposed in the Sutlej Valley and Shimla Klippe of NW India. We …
Leucogranite intruding the South Tibetan Detachment in western Nepal: implications for exhumation models in the Himalayas
The most popular models regarding the exhumation of the Greater Himalayan Sequence
(GHS), such as extrusion, channel flow, critical taper and wedge extrusion, require …
(GHS), such as extrusion, channel flow, critical taper and wedge extrusion, require …
Metamorphic history of a syn‐convergent orogen‐parallel detachment: The South Tibetan detachment system, Bhutan Himalaya
Abstract The South Tibetan detachment system (STDS) in the Himalayan orogen is an
example of normal‐sense displacement on an orogen‐parallel shear zone during …
example of normal‐sense displacement on an orogen‐parallel shear zone during …