Control approaches of power electronic converter interfacing grid-tied PMSG-VSWT system: A comprehensive review
The growing interest in wind power technology is motivating researchers and decision-
makers to focus on maximizing wind energy extraction and enhancing the quality of power …
makers to focus on maximizing wind energy extraction and enhancing the quality of power …
Sentiment analysis at online social network for cyber-malicious post reviews using machine learning techniques
The creating centrality of sentiment assessment agrees with the advancement of the
electronic stage, for instance, cyber-vulnerability reviews, gathering discussions for cyber …
electronic stage, for instance, cyber-vulnerability reviews, gathering discussions for cyber …
Blockchain-based model for expanding IoT device data security
Healthcare institutions around the world become an organised and user-centred structures.
Managing vast volumes of data, such as IoT device data or medical records of each person …
Managing vast volumes of data, such as IoT device data or medical records of each person …
Implementation and validation of an adaptive fuzzy logic controller for MPPT of PMSG-based wind turbines
To ensure the full benefits from wind generation systems, an effective maximum power point
tracking (MPPT) technique should be implemented. In this article, an adaptive fuzzy logic …
tracking (MPPT) technique should be implemented. In this article, an adaptive fuzzy logic …
Comparison and analysis of RNN-LSTMs and CNNs for social reviews classification
S Bodapati, H Bandarupally, RN Shaw… - Advances in Applications …, 2021 - Springer
This chapter presents and compares results of simple and efficient deep learning models to
perform sentiment analysis and text classification. Natural language processing is a massive …
perform sentiment analysis and text classification. Natural language processing is a massive …
Vulnerability analysis at industrial internet of things platform on dark web network using computational intelligence
Due to the potentially catastrophic effects in the event of an attack, security-enabled design
and algorithms are required to protect automated applications and instruments based on …
and algorithms are required to protect automated applications and instruments based on …
Surveillance robot in cyber intelligence for vulnerability detection
Robots and self-ruling frameworks by and large are set to endure comparative online
protection issues generated at live environment of Internet world. The weak design and …
protection issues generated at live environment of Internet world. The weak design and …
Design of a machine learning-based self-driving car
In this work, an algorithm of machine learning for self-driving car using udacity and unity self-
driving car simulation software has been presented. Using the software, the car is driven on …
driving car simulation software has been presented. Using the software, the car is driven on …
Twitter data sentiment analysis using naive bayes classifier and generation of heat map for analyzing intensity geographically
Abstract Analysis of tweets or microblogs posted by users of a popular microblogging
service, Twitter, using natural language processing is a very powerful tool to understand …
service, Twitter, using natural language processing is a very powerful tool to understand …
Cyber physical system fraud analysis by mobile robot
The improvement of intelligent surveillance systems is a functioning examination region. In
this specific situation, mobile furthermore, multi-useful robots are commonly received as …
this specific situation, mobile furthermore, multi-useful robots are commonly received as …