Farming fish in the sea will not nourish the world
Recent literature on marine fish farming brands it as potentially compatible with sustainable
resource use, conservation, and human nutrition goals, and aligns with the emerging policy …
resource use, conservation, and human nutrition goals, and aligns with the emerging policy …
Planning and licensing for marine aquaculture
Marine aquaculture has the potential to increase its contribution to the global food system
and provide valuable ecosystem services, but appropriate planning, licensing and …
and provide valuable ecosystem services, but appropriate planning, licensing and …
Diverse state‐level marine aquaculture policy in the United States: Opportunities and barriers for industry development
Marine aquaculture (mariculture) plays a relatively small role in the United States' domestic
seafood production, despite considerable scope for industry development and high volumes …
seafood production, despite considerable scope for industry development and high volumes …
Global pathways of innovation and spread of marine aquaculture species
Mariculture—the farming of marine species—is a growing industry that could support and
diversify food systems, but its sustainable expansion requires innovations to improve yields …
diversify food systems, but its sustainable expansion requires innovations to improve yields …
Government environmental regulation strategy for new pollutants control in mariculture
L Yu, S Zheng, Q Gao - Marine Policy, 2023 - Elsevier
The control of new pollutants in mariculture is a marine environmental policy direction. This
paper constructs a three-party evolutionary game model containing fishermen, sales …
paper constructs a three-party evolutionary game model containing fishermen, sales …
Extended bibliometric review of technical challenges in mariculture production and research hotspot analysis
The growth in population and the higher need for aquatic products make the aquaculture
industry the world's fastest-growing food industry. With its rapid development, production is …
industry the world's fastest-growing food industry. With its rapid development, production is …
Temporal patterns of adoption of mariculture innovation globally
Mariculture—farming seafood in the ocean—has been expanding in many countries and
has the potential to be a critical component of a sustainable global food system. However, it …
has the potential to be a critical component of a sustainable global food system. However, it …
Leaving seafood on the table: Pilot pathways a missed opportunity for US mariculture
Marine aquaculture in the United States has faced substantial development hurdles that
have limited the industry's contributions to the nation's domestic seafood supply. Federal …
have limited the industry's contributions to the nation's domestic seafood supply. Federal …
The diversity of planktonic bacteria driven by environmental factors in different mariculture areas in the East China Sea
W Liu, Y Bao, K Li, N Yang, P He, C He, J Liu - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2024 - Elsevier
Planktonic bacteria play a crucial role in sustaining the ecological balance of aquatic
ecosystems. However, their seasonal variations in different aquaculture areas within the …
ecosystems. However, their seasonal variations in different aquaculture areas within the …
What drives the growth of China's mariculture production? An empirical analysis of its coastal regions from 1983 to 2019
Y Xu, Y Zhang, J Ji, L Xu, Y Liang - Environmental Science and Pollution …, 2023 - Springer
China's mariculture (ie, seafood farming in the ocean) production has grown rapidly. It ranks
the first in the world and has made a huge contribution to solving human food security and …
the first in the world and has made a huge contribution to solving human food security and …