A review on security threats, vulnerabilities, and counter measures of 5G enabled Internet‐of‐Medical‐Things
The recent advancements of Internet of Things (IoT) embedded systems, wireless networks,
and biosensors those have assisted in the rapid development of implanting wearable …
and biosensors those have assisted in the rapid development of implanting wearable …
Security challenges and solutions using healthcare cloud computing
M Mehrtak, SA SeyedAlinaghi… - Journal of medicine …, 2021 - pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
Cloud computing is among the most beneficial solutions to digital problems. Security is one
of the focal issues in cloud computing technology, and this study aims at investigating …
of the focal issues in cloud computing technology, and this study aims at investigating …
Exploiting smart e-Health gateways at the edge of healthcare Internet-of-Things: A fog computing approach
Current developments in ICTs such as in Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Cyber–Physical
Systems (CPS) allow us to develop healthcare solutions with more intelligent and prediction …
Systems (CPS) allow us to develop healthcare solutions with more intelligent and prediction …
End-to-end security scheme for mobility enabled healthcare Internet of Things
We propose an end-to-end security scheme for mobility enabled healthcare Internet of
Things (IoT). The proposed scheme consists of (i) a secure and efficient end-user …
Things (IoT). The proposed scheme consists of (i) a secure and efficient end-user …
Healthcare Internet of Things: Security threats, challenges, and future research directions
Internet of Things (IoT) applications are switching from general to precise in different
industries, eg, healthcare, automation, military, maritime, smart cities, transportation …
industries, eg, healthcare, automation, military, maritime, smart cities, transportation …
Energy efficient fog-assisted IoT system for monitoring diabetic patients with cardiovascular disease
Blood glucose plays an important role in maintaining body's activities. For example, brain
only uses glucose as its energy source. However, when blood glucose level is abnormal, it …
only uses glucose as its energy source. However, when blood glucose level is abnormal, it …
On the feasibility of attribute-based encryption on internet of things devices
The Internet of Things (IoT) is emerging with the pace of technology evolution, connecting
people and things through the Internet. IoT devices enable large-scale data collection and …
people and things through the Internet. IoT devices enable large-scale data collection and …
A survey and classification of security and privacy research in smart healthcare systems
A Algarni - IEEE Access, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Advances in wireless technology have resulted in the development of smart healthcare
systems (SHSs). In SHS, sensors, wearables, and devices monitor a patient's vital …
systems (SHSs). In SHS, sensors, wearables, and devices monitor a patient's vital …
IoT security in healthcare using AI: A survey
SS Gopalan, A Raza… - … , Signal Processing, and …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) has led the digital transformation in
modern healthcare. With any kind of digital transformation, security challenges must be …
modern healthcare. With any kind of digital transformation, security challenges must be …
Leveraging fog computing for healthcare IoT
Developments in technology have shifted the focus of medical practice from treating a
disease to prevention. Currently, a significant enhancement in healthcare is expected to be …
disease to prevention. Currently, a significant enhancement in healthcare is expected to be …