Effects of grain size on the rate-dependent thermomechanical responses of nanostructured superelastic NiTi

A Ahadi, Q Sun - Acta materialia, 2014 - Elsevier
We investigated the effects of grain size on the rate-dependent thermomechanical
responses of polycrystalline superelastic NiTi (with an average grain size from 10 to 90 nm) …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of temperature and texture on the reorientation of martensite variants in NiTi shape memory alloys

G Laplanche, T Birk, S Schneider, J Frenzel, G Eggeler - Acta Materialia, 2017 - Elsevier
Abstract Martensitic Ni 50 Ti 50 wires and sheets with different textures were tensile tested in
the temperature range between− 100° C and 60° C. The effect of texture and temperature on …

Tension, compression, and bending of superelastic shape memory alloy tubes

B Reedlunn, CB Churchill, EE Nelson, JA Shaw… - Journal of the …, 2014 - Elsevier
While many uniaxial tension experiments of shape memory alloys (SMAs) have been
published in the literature, relatively few experimental studies address their behavior in …

Applying full-field measurement techniques for the thermomechanical characterization of shape memory alloys: a review and classification

D Delpueyo, A Jury, X Balandraud… - Shape Memory and …, 2021 - Springer
Full-field measurement techniques are now mature. As such, they have profoundly impacted
the experimental mechanics community in recent years. The way that shape memory alloys …

Grain-resolved analysis of localized deformation in nickel-titanium wire under tensile load

P Sedmák, J Pilch, L Heller, J Kopeček, J Wright… - Science, 2016 - science.org
The stress-induced martensitic transformation in tensioned nickel-titanium shape-memory
alloys proceeds by propagation of macroscopic fronts of localized deformation. We used …

Mechanical experimental characterisation and numerical modelling of an unfilled silicone rubber

L Meunier, G Chagnon, D Favier, L Orgéas, P Vacher - Polymer testing, 2008 - Elsevier
In this paper, the mechanical behaviour of an unfilled silicone rubber is analysed. Firstly,
silicone samples were subjected to five homogeneous tests: tensile, pure shear …

On the characteristics of Portevin–Le Chatelier bands in cold-rolled 7Mn steel showing transformation-induced plasticity

F Yang, H Luo, E Pu, S Zhang, H Dong - International Journal of Plasticity, 2018 - Elsevier
Strain localization during tensile deformation of cold-rolled and annealed 7Mn steel were
investigated under various strain rates and deformation temperatures. The retained …

On the Lüders band formation and propagation in NiTi shape memory alloys

BS Shariat, Y Li, H Yang, Y Wang, Y Liu - Journal of Materials Science & …, 2022 - Elsevier
Near-equiatomic NiTi shape memory alloys are known to exhibit Lüders-type deformation
associated with a stress-induced transformation. Many studies have been conducted in the …

Phase volume fractions and strain measurements in an ultrafine-grained NiTi shape-memory alloy during tensile loading

ML Young, MFX Wagner, J Frenzel, WW Schmahl… - Acta Materialia, 2010 - Elsevier
An ultrafine-grained pseudoelastic NiTi shape-memory alloy wire with 50.9 at.% Ni was
examined using synchrotron X-ray diffraction during in situ uniaxial tensile loading (up to …

Shape memory alloy actuator design: CASMART collaborative best practices and case studies

O Benafan, J Brown, FT Calkins, P Kumar… - International Journal of …, 2014 - Springer
One goal of the Consortium for the Advancement of Shape Memory Alloy Research and
Technology is to compile the collective design experiences of our member organizations …