Alcohol: no ordinary commodity: research and public policy

T Babor - 2010‏ -
Alcohol: No Ordinary Commodity-Research and Public Policy Second Edition is a
collaborative effort by an international group of addiction scientists to improve the linkages …

Alcohol and young people: What the legislation says about access and secondary supply

AM Roche, T Steenson, R Andrew - Drug and Alcohol Review, 2013‏ - Wiley Online Library
Issue The rationale and potential impact of A ustralia's recent legislative changes regulating
secondary supply of alcohol to minors, particularly on private premises. Approach An …

[HTML][HTML] Nutrition cues on ready-to-drink alcoholic beverage containers sold in grocery stores in Québec City, Canada

É Demers-Potvin, A Gaucher-Holm, E Hobin… - Preventive Medicine …, 2023‏ - Elsevier
Nutrition cues on ready-to-drink alcoholic beverages (RTDs) may create an illusion of
healthfulness; however, nutrition information on alcohol in Canada is seldom regulated. This …

Toxic trade: the impact of preferential trade agreements on alcohol imports from Australia in partner countries

A Schram, E Aisbett, B Townsend, R Labonté… - …, 2020‏ - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Background and Aims Trade liberalization is hypothesized to increase the
availability of imported alcoholic beverages in importing countries. This study provides the …

New Zealand culture of intoxication: Local and global influences

B McEwan, M Campbell, D Swain - New Zealand Sociology, 2010‏ -
This article shows that attitudes towards and behaviours involving the consumption of
alcohol in New Zealand have long been problematic. It provides an historical account of …

Uneven reductions in high school students' alcohol use from 2007 to 2012 by age, sex, and socioeconomic strata

N Jackson, S Denny, J Sheridan, T Fleming… - Substance …, 2017‏ -
Background: Many Western countries have reported declines in adolescent alcohol use.
This study examined changes in adolescent alcohol use in New Zealand between 2007 and …

Increases in typical quantities consumed and alcohol-related problems during a decade of liberalizing alcohol policy

T Huckle, M Pledger, S Casswell - Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs, 2012‏ -
Objective: The aim of this study was to assess trends in drinking patterns and alcohol-related
problems among age and gender groups in the context of a liberalized alcohol policy …

Not just the taste: why adolescents drink alcopops

SC Jones, S Reis - Health Education, 2011‏ -
Purpose–The purpose of this paper is to determine the features of alcopops which make
them attractive to Australian adolescents, which features are most important in determining …

Industry submissions on alcohol in the context of Australia's trade and investment agreements: A content and thematic analysis of publicly available documents

M Miller, C Wilkinson, R Room, P O'Brien… - Drug and Alcohol …, 2021‏ - Wiley Online Library
Abstract Introduction and Aims Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for death and disability,
responsible for 3 million deaths in 2016. The alcohol industry is a powerful player in sha** …

Affordability of alcohol as a key driver of alcohol demand in N ew Z ealand: a co‐integration analysis

M Wall, S Casswell - Addiction, 2013‏ - Wiley Online Library
Aims To investigate whether affordability of alcohol is an important determinant of alcohol
consumption along with price. This will inform effective tax policy to influence consumption …