Time-resolved ARPES studies of quantum materials
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), with its exceptional sensitivity to both
the binding energy and the momentum of valence electrons in solids, provides unparalleled …
the binding energy and the momentum of valence electrons in solids, provides unparalleled …
Photo-induced semimetallic states realised in electron–hole coupled insulators
Using light to manipulate materials into desired states is one of the goals in condensed
matter physics, since light control can provide ultrafast and environmentally friendly …
matter physics, since light control can provide ultrafast and environmentally friendly …
Photoinduced possible superconducting state with long-lived disproportionate band filling in FeSe
Photoexcitation is a very powerful way to instantaneously drive a material into a novel
quantum state without any fabrication, and variable ultrafast techniques have been …
quantum state without any fabrication, and variable ultrafast techniques have been …
Time-and angle-resolved photoemission studies of quantum materials
Angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES)--with its exceptional sensitivity to both
the binding energy and momentum of valence electrons in solids--provides unparalleled …
the binding energy and momentum of valence electrons in solids--provides unparalleled …
Suppression of atomic displacive excitation in photo-induced A1g phonon mode of bismuth unveiled by low-temperature time-resolved x-ray diffraction
An ultrafast atomic motion of a photo-induced coherent phonon of bismuth at low
temperatures was directly observed with time-resolved x-ray diffraction. A cryostat with a …
temperatures was directly observed with time-resolved x-ray diffraction. A cryostat with a …
Time-and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with wavelength-tunable pump and extreme ultraviolet probe enabled by twin synchronized amplifiers
We describe a setup for time-and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy with
wavelength-tunable excitation and an extreme ultraviolet probe. It is enabled by using the 10 …
wavelength-tunable excitation and an extreme ultraviolet probe. It is enabled by using the 10 …
HHG-laser-based time-and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy of quantum materials
Time-and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy has played an important role in
revealing the non-equilibrium electronic structures of solid-state materials. The …
revealing the non-equilibrium electronic structures of solid-state materials. The …
High harmonic generation and application for photoemission spectroscopy in condensed matter
S Zhong, Y Liang, S Wang, H Teng, X He… - Materials Futures, 2022 - iopscience.iop.org
High harmonic generation (HHG) delivering attosecond pulse duration with photon energy
in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range has been demonstrated as a robust table-top …
in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range has been demonstrated as a robust table-top …
Connection between coherent phonons and electron-phonon coupling in Sb (111)
We report time-and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (trARPES) measurements
on the Sb (111) surface. We observe band-and momentum-dependent binding-energy …
on the Sb (111) surface. We observe band-and momentum-dependent binding-energy …
Ultrafast nematic-orbital excitation in FeSe
The electronic nematic phase is an unconventional state of matter that spontaneously
breaks the rotational symmetry of electrons. In iron-pnictides/chalcogenides and cuprates …
breaks the rotational symmetry of electrons. In iron-pnictides/chalcogenides and cuprates …