Disparities in suicide mortality trends between United States of America and 25 European countries: retrospective analysis of WHO mortality database
The objective was to examine changes in temporal trends in suicide mortality in 26 Western
countries by retrospective trend analysis of the WHO mortality database on causes of …
countries by retrospective trend analysis of the WHO mortality database on causes of …
[HTML][HTML] Both self-report and diagnostic interview for anxiety disorder reveal suicidal ideation in a population-based study
Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts are associated with mental disorders, especially with
depression. A random sample representative of the general adult population living in …
depression. A random sample representative of the general adult population living in …
[PDF][PDF] Psychiatry Research Communications
R Palmu, T Partonen - Psychiatry Research, 2023 - helda.helsinki.fi
Suicidal ideation and suicide attempts are associated with mental disorders, especially with
depression. A random sample representative of the general adult population living in …
depression. A random sample representative of the general adult population living in …
La réponse comportementale: le risque suicidaire
M Préville, DS Mechakra-Tahiri… - H.-M. Vasiliadis (Éd.) …, 2019 - degruyter.com
Le concept de suicidalité ou de risque suicidaire inclut toutes les manifestations cognitives
(pensée de mort, désir de mourir, idéation suicidaire) et comportementales (planification …
(pensée de mort, désir de mourir, idéation suicidaire) et comportementales (planification …
Medications used for mental health illness
E Khan - Understanding Pharmacology in Nursing Practice, 2020 - Springer
Abstract Treatment focused on mental ill health includes a range of medication generally
categorised as antipsychotic medications, antidepressants and anxiolytics. The …
categorised as antipsychotic medications, antidepressants and anxiolytics. The …
Psychopathologische Effekte der rTMS-Behandlung bei Depression: Item-Analysen der Hamilton Depression Rating Scale in einem großen Patientenkollektiv
A Mohonko - 2020 - epub.uni-regensburg.de
Die Anwendung der transkraniellen Magnetstimulation (rTMS) bei Depressionen hat sich in
den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmend etabliert und wird in zahlreichen klinischen Studien …
den letzten Jahrzehnten zunehmend etabliert und wird in zahlreichen klinischen Studien …
Presença de antidepressivos em amostras post-mortem: casuística interna, avaliação e interpretação dos valores obtidos de acordo com o diagnóstico diferencial …
MN da Fonseca Madureira - 2019 - search.proquest.com
A Depressão Major é um grave problema de saúde pública e uma das patologias
psiquiátricas mais comuns na nossa sociedade, sendo o suicídio o sintoma nuclear e o …
psiquiátricas mais comuns na nossa sociedade, sendo o suicídio o sintoma nuclear e o …
[PDF][PDF] May Fibromyalgia be caused by Long-Standing Vitamin D Deficiency?
AD Hoeck - 2016 - researchgate.net
Fibromyalgia is a chronic disease belonging to the spectrum of fatiguing illnesses. It goes
along with severe wide-spread pains, severe fatigue and many neuro-psychiatric symptoms …
along with severe wide-spread pains, severe fatigue and many neuro-psychiatric symptoms …