Bayesian inference approach for information fusion in distribution system state estimation
JAD Massignan, JBA London… - … on Smart Grid, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents a three-phase Distribution System State Estimator (DSSE) based on a
Bayesian inference approach to manage different sampling rates of typical sources of …
Bayesian inference approach to manage different sampling rates of typical sources of …
False data injection attacks against state estimation in multiphase and unbalanced smart distribution systems
In power transmission systems, the false data injection (FDI) attacks against state estimation
(SE) have been well studied. However, due to the unique features of power distribution …
(SE) have been well studied. However, due to the unique features of power distribution …
Coordinating demand response aggregation with LV network operational constraints
High shares of renewable energy resources are increasing the value of using demand
response (DR) mechanisms to enhance the resiliency and efficiency of power system …
response (DR) mechanisms to enhance the resiliency and efficiency of power system …
On state estimation modeling of smart distribution networks: a technical review
J Xu, Y **, T Zheng, G Meng - Energies, 2023 - mdpi.com
State estimation (SE) is regarded as an essential tool for achieving the secure and efficient
operation of distribution networks, and extensive research on SE has been conducted over …
operation of distribution networks, and extensive research on SE has been conducted over …
State estimation of three-phase four-conductor distribution systems with real-time data from selective smart meters
Distribution system state estimation (DSSE) has recently been tested and experimentally
deployed in some practical distribution networks. Distinct features of distribution systems …
deployed in some practical distribution networks. Distinct features of distribution systems …
Deep multi-fidelity bayesian data fusion for probabilistic distribution system voltage estimation with high penetration of pvs
The increasing penetration of PVs causes challenges in maintaining voltage security due to
the lack of distribution system visibility. This article proposes a deep multi-fidelity Bayesian …
the lack of distribution system visibility. This article proposes a deep multi-fidelity Bayesian …
A complete state estimation algorithm for a three-phase four-wire low voltage distribution system with high penetration of solar PV
Abstract Low Voltage Distribution Grids (LVDGs) become highly unbalanced due to the
advent of single-phase solar PV plants. As a result, the voltage and current levels of the …
advent of single-phase solar PV plants. As a result, the voltage and current levels of the …
Distribution system state estimation algorithm with improved angular reference treatment
The efforts to build smarter grids with automatic control and intelligent functionalities for
Distribution Systems (DSs) rely upon correctly determining the operational condition of these …
Distribution Systems (DSs) rely upon correctly determining the operational condition of these …
A holistic state estimation framework for active distribution network with battery energy storage system
Battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are expected to play a crucial role in the operation
and control of active distribution networks (ADNs). In this paper, a holistic state estimation …
and control of active distribution networks (ADNs). In this paper, a holistic state estimation …
Sparse and numerically stable implementation of a distribution system state estimation based on Multifrontal QR factorization
Enhancing situational awareness of distribution networks is a requirement of Smart Grids. In
order to fulfill this requirement, specialized algorithms have been developed to perform …
order to fulfill this requirement, specialized algorithms have been developed to perform …