Next-generation, personalised, model-based critical care medicine: a state-of-the art review of in silico virtual patient models, methods, and cohorts, and how to …
Critical care, like many healthcare areas, is under a dual assault from significantly
increasing demographic and economic pressures. Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are …
increasing demographic and economic pressures. Intensive care unit (ICU) patients are …
Creation and application of virtual patient cohorts of heart models
Patient-specific cardiac models are now being used to guide therapies. The increased use
of patient-specific cardiac simulations in clinical care will give rise to the development of …
of patient-specific cardiac simulations in clinical care will give rise to the development of …
Digital twins and automation of care in the intensive care unit
Healthcare is under increasing demand pressure as societies age and expectations rise,
multiplied by increasing incidence of chronic diseases and decreasing available funding …
multiplied by increasing incidence of chronic diseases and decreasing available funding …
Length of stay prediction for ICU patients using individualized single classification algorithm
Abstract Background and Objective: In intensive care units (ICUs), length of stay (LOS)
prediction is critical to help doctors and nurses select appropriate treatment options and …
prediction is critical to help doctors and nurses select appropriate treatment options and …
Optimising mechanical ventilation through model-based methods and automation
Mechanical ventilation (MV) is a core life-support therapy for patients suffering from
respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Respiratory failure is a …
respiratory failure or acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Respiratory failure is a …
Untangling glycaemia and mortality in critical care
Background Hyperglycaemia is associated with adverse outcomes in the intensive care unit,
and initial studies suggested outcome benefits of glycaemic control (GC). However …
and initial studies suggested outcome benefits of glycaemic control (GC). However …
Digital twins in critical care: what, when, how, where, why?
Healthcare and intensive care unit (ICU) medicine in particular, are facing a devastating
tsunami of rising demand multiplied by increasing chronic disease and aging demographics …
tsunami of rising demand multiplied by increasing chronic disease and aging demographics …
Glycemic control in the intensive care unit: a control systems perspective
Computers and automation have revolutionised quality and productivity in many industries,
but not in medicine. Healthcare costs are thus growing beyond the ability of society to pay for …
but not in medicine. Healthcare costs are thus growing beyond the ability of society to pay for …
Improving glycemic control in critically ill patients: personalized care to mimic the endocrine pancreas
There is considerable physiological and clinical evidence of harm and increased risk of
death associated with dysglycemia in critical care. However, glycemic control (GC) currently …
death associated with dysglycemia in critical care. However, glycemic control (GC) currently …
Virtual patient framework for the testing of mechanical ventilation airway pressure and flow settings protocol
Abstract Background and Objective Model-based and personalised decision support
systems are emerging to guide mechanical ventilation (MV) treatment for respiratory failure …
systems are emerging to guide mechanical ventilation (MV) treatment for respiratory failure …