Sexual selection and mate choice

M Andersson, LW Simmons - Trends in ecology & evolution, 2006 -
The past two decades have seen extensive growth of sexual selection research. Theoretical
and empirical work has clarified many components of pre-and postcopulatory sexual …

Evolutionary conflicts of interest between males and females

T Chapman - Current biology, 2006 -
Sexual conflict arises from differences in the evolutionary interests of males and females and
can occur over traits related to courtship, mating and fertilisation through to parental …

Heritability is not evolvability

TF Hansen, C Pélabon, D Houle - Evolutionary Biology, 2011 - Springer
Short-term evolutionary potential depends on the additive genetic variance in the
population. The additive variance is often measured as heritability, the fraction of the total …

[Књига][B] The evolutionary biology of human female sexuality

R Thornhill, SW Gangestad - 2008 -
Research conducted in the last fifteen years has placed in question many of the traditional
conclusions scholars have formed about human female sexuality. Though conventional …

Proteomic discovery of previously unannotated, rapidly evolving seminal fluid genes in Drosophila

GD Findlay, MJ MacCoss, WJ Swanson - Genome research, 2009 -
As genomic sequences become easier to acquire, shotgun proteomics will play an
increasingly important role in genome annotation. With proteomics, researchers can confirm …

Inter-locus antagonistic coevolution as an engine of speciation: assessment with hemiclonal analysis

WR Rice, JE Linder, U Friberg, TA Lew… - Proceedings of the …, 2005 -
One of Ernst Mayr's legacies is the consensus that the allopatry model is the predominant
mode of speciation in most sexually reproducing lineages. In this model, reproductive …

Male perception of female mating status: its effect on copulation duration, sperm defence and female fitness

U Friberg - Animal Behaviour, 2006 - Elsevier
When females mate with multiple partners, the risk of sperm competition depends on female
mating history. To maximize fitness, males should adjust their copulatory investments …

The roles of natural and sexual selection during adaptation to a novel environment

HD Rundle, SF Chenoweth, MW Blows - Evolution, 2006 -
The net effect of sexual selection on nonsexual fitness is controversial. On one side,
elaborate display traits and preferences for them can be costly, reducing the nonsexual …

Assessing sexual conflict in the Drosophila melanogaster laboratory model system

WR Rice, AD Stewart, EH Morrow… - … of the Royal …, 2006 -
We describe a graphical model of interlocus coevolution used to distinguish between the
interlocus sexual conflict that leads to sexually antagonistic coevolution, and the intrinsic …

Intergenomic Epistasis for Fitness: Within-Population Interactions Between Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Genes in Drosophila melanogaster

DK Dowling, U Friberg, F Hailer, G Arnqvist - Genetics, 2007 -
The symbiotic relationship between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes coordinates
metabolic energy production and is fundamental to life among eukaryotes. Consequently …