Sexual selection and mate choice
The past two decades have seen extensive growth of sexual selection research. Theoretical
and empirical work has clarified many components of pre-and postcopulatory sexual …
and empirical work has clarified many components of pre-and postcopulatory sexual …
Evolutionary conflicts of interest between males and females
T Chapman - Current biology, 2006 - cell.com
Sexual conflict arises from differences in the evolutionary interests of males and females and
can occur over traits related to courtship, mating and fertilisation through to parental …
can occur over traits related to courtship, mating and fertilisation through to parental …
Heritability is not evolvability
Short-term evolutionary potential depends on the additive genetic variance in the
population. The additive variance is often measured as heritability, the fraction of the total …
population. The additive variance is often measured as heritability, the fraction of the total …
[Књига][B] The evolutionary biology of human female sexuality
R Thornhill, SW Gangestad - 2008 - books.google.com
Research conducted in the last fifteen years has placed in question many of the traditional
conclusions scholars have formed about human female sexuality. Though conventional …
conclusions scholars have formed about human female sexuality. Though conventional …
Proteomic discovery of previously unannotated, rapidly evolving seminal fluid genes in Drosophila
As genomic sequences become easier to acquire, shotgun proteomics will play an
increasingly important role in genome annotation. With proteomics, researchers can confirm …
increasingly important role in genome annotation. With proteomics, researchers can confirm …
Inter-locus antagonistic coevolution as an engine of speciation: assessment with hemiclonal analysis
One of Ernst Mayr's legacies is the consensus that the allopatry model is the predominant
mode of speciation in most sexually reproducing lineages. In this model, reproductive …
mode of speciation in most sexually reproducing lineages. In this model, reproductive …
Male perception of female mating status: its effect on copulation duration, sperm defence and female fitness
U Friberg - Animal Behaviour, 2006 - Elsevier
When females mate with multiple partners, the risk of sperm competition depends on female
mating history. To maximize fitness, males should adjust their copulatory investments …
mating history. To maximize fitness, males should adjust their copulatory investments …
The roles of natural and sexual selection during adaptation to a novel environment
The net effect of sexual selection on nonsexual fitness is controversial. On one side,
elaborate display traits and preferences for them can be costly, reducing the nonsexual …
elaborate display traits and preferences for them can be costly, reducing the nonsexual …
Assessing sexual conflict in the Drosophila melanogaster laboratory model system
We describe a graphical model of interlocus coevolution used to distinguish between the
interlocus sexual conflict that leads to sexually antagonistic coevolution, and the intrinsic …
interlocus sexual conflict that leads to sexually antagonistic coevolution, and the intrinsic …
Intergenomic Epistasis for Fitness: Within-Population Interactions Between Cytoplasmic and Nuclear Genes in Drosophila melanogaster
The symbiotic relationship between the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes coordinates
metabolic energy production and is fundamental to life among eukaryotes. Consequently …
metabolic energy production and is fundamental to life among eukaryotes. Consequently …