Being heterogeneous is advantageous: Extreme Brownian non-Gaussian searches
Redundancy in biology may be explained by the need to optimize extreme searching
processes, where one or few among many particles are requested to reach the target like in …
processes, where one or few among many particles are requested to reach the target like in …
Distribution of extreme first passage times of diffusion
SD Lawley - Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2020 - Springer
Many events in biology are triggered when a diffusing searcher finds a target, which is called
a first passage time (FPT). The overwhelming majority of FPT studies have analyzed the time …
a first passage time (FPT). The overwhelming majority of FPT studies have analyzed the time …
Universal formula for extreme first passage statistics of diffusion
SD Lawley - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
The timescales of many physical, chemical, and biological processes are determined by first
passage times (FPTs) of diffusion. The overwhelming majority of FPT research studies the …
passage times (FPTs) of diffusion. The overwhelming majority of FPT research studies the …
Competition between slow and fast regimes for extreme first passage times of diffusion
Many physical, chemical, and biological systems depend on the first passage time (FPT) of a
diffusive searcher to a target. Typically, this FPT is much slower than the characteristic …
diffusive searcher to a target. Typically, this FPT is much slower than the characteristic …
A probabilistic approach to extreme statistics of Brownian escape times in dimensions 1, 2, and 3
First passage time (FPT) theory is often used to estimate timescales in cellular and
molecular biology. While the overwhelming majority of studies have focused on the time it …
molecular biology. While the overwhelming majority of studies have focused on the time it …
Dynamic redundancy as a mechanism to optimize collective random searches
We explore the case of a group of random walkers looking for a target randomly located in
space, such that the number of walkers is not constant but new ones can join the search, or …
space, such that the number of walkers is not constant but new ones can join the search, or …
Extreme first-passage times for random walks on networks
SD Lawley - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
Many biological, social, and communication systems can be modeled by “searchers” moving
through a complex network. For example, intracellular cargo is transported on tubular …
through a complex network. For example, intracellular cargo is transported on tubular …
Parallel random target searches in a confined space
We study a random target searching performed by N independent searchers in ad-
dimensional domain of a large but finite volume. Considering the two initial distributions of …
dimensional domain of a large but finite volume. Considering the two initial distributions of …
Order statistics for d-dimensional diffusion processes
Order statistics for d-dimensional diffusion processes Page 1 Order statistics for d-dimensional
diffusion processes SB Yuste* and L. Acedo† Departamento de Fısica, Universidad de …
diffusion processes SB Yuste* and L. Acedo† Departamento de Fısica, Universidad de …
Extreme first passage times of piecewise deterministic Markov processes
SD Lawley - Nonlinearity, 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The time it takes the fastest searcher out of N≫ 1 searchers to find a target determines the
timescale of many physical, chemical, and biological processes. This time is called an …
timescale of many physical, chemical, and biological processes. This time is called an …