Being heterogeneous is advantageous: Extreme Brownian non-Gaussian searches

V Sposini, S Nampoothiri, A Chechkin, E Orlandini… - Physical Review Letters, 2024 - APS
Redundancy in biology may be explained by the need to optimize extreme searching
processes, where one or few among many particles are requested to reach the target like in …

Distribution of extreme first passage times of diffusion

SD Lawley - Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2020 - Springer
Many events in biology are triggered when a diffusing searcher finds a target, which is called
a first passage time (FPT). The overwhelming majority of FPT studies have analyzed the time …

Universal formula for extreme first passage statistics of diffusion

SD Lawley - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
The timescales of many physical, chemical, and biological processes are determined by first
passage times (FPTs) of diffusion. The overwhelming majority of FPT research studies the …

Competition between slow and fast regimes for extreme first passage times of diffusion

JB Madrid, SD Lawley - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2020 -
Many physical, chemical, and biological systems depend on the first passage time (FPT) of a
diffusive searcher to a target. Typically, this FPT is much slower than the characteristic …

A probabilistic approach to extreme statistics of Brownian escape times in dimensions 1, 2, and 3

SD Lawley, JB Madrid - Journal of Nonlinear Science, 2020 - Springer
First passage time (FPT) theory is often used to estimate timescales in cellular and
molecular biology. While the overwhelming majority of studies have focused on the time it …

Dynamic redundancy as a mechanism to optimize collective random searches

D Campos, V Méndez - Physical Review E, 2024 - APS
We explore the case of a group of random walkers looking for a target randomly located in
space, such that the number of walkers is not constant but new ones can join the search, or …

Extreme first-passage times for random walks on networks

SD Lawley - Physical Review E, 2020 - APS
Many biological, social, and communication systems can be modeled by “searchers” moving
through a complex network. For example, intracellular cargo is transported on tubular …

Parallel random target searches in a confined space

S Ro, YW Kim - Physical Review E, 2017 - APS
We study a random target searching performed by N independent searchers in ad-
dimensional domain of a large but finite volume. Considering the two initial distributions of …

Order statistics for d-dimensional diffusion processes

SB Yuste, L Acedo, K Lindenberg - Physical Review E, 2001 - APS
Order statistics for d-dimensional diffusion processes Page 1 Order statistics for d-dimensional
diffusion processes SB Yuste* and L. Acedo† Departamento de Fısica, Universidad de …

Extreme first passage times of piecewise deterministic Markov processes

SD Lawley - Nonlinearity, 2021 -
The time it takes the fastest searcher out of N≫ 1 searchers to find a target determines the
timescale of many physical, chemical, and biological processes. This time is called an …