[HTML][HTML] Chaos in the real world: Recent applications to communications, computing, distributed sensing, robotic motion, bio-impedance modelling and encryption …
G Grassi - Symmetry, 2021 - mdpi.com
Most of the papers published so far in literature have focused on the theoretical phenomena
underlying the formation of chaos, rather than on the investigation of potential applications of …
underlying the formation of chaos, rather than on the investigation of potential applications of …
An efficient image encryption scheme based on the LSS chaotic map and single S-box
Q Lu, C Zhu, X Deng - Ieee Access, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper presents an efficient and secure chaotic S-Box based image encryption
algorithm. Firstly, by cryptanalyzing a multiple chaotic S-Boxes based image encryption …
algorithm. Firstly, by cryptanalyzing a multiple chaotic S-Boxes based image encryption …
Remote sensing image compression and encryption based on block compressive sensing and 2D-LCCCM
S Nan, X Feng, Y Wu, H Zhang - Nonlinear dynamics, 2022 - Springer
This paper proposes a remote sensing image compression and encryption algorithm based
on block compressive sensing and multiple S-boxes that utilize a novel hyperchaotic system …
on block compressive sensing and multiple S-boxes that utilize a novel hyperchaotic system …
A new fractional-order hyperchaotic memristor oscillator: Dynamic analysis, robust adaptive synchronization, and its application to voice encryption
The present study proposes a new fractional-order hyperchaotic memristor oscillator. The
proposed system is studied through numerical simulations and analyses, such as the …
proposed system is studied through numerical simulations and analyses, such as the …
An image encryption algorithm using a dynamic S-box and chaotic maps
J Zheng, Q Zeng - Applied Intelligence, 2022 - Springer
This paper presents an image encryption algorithm based on dynamic S-box. Encryption
algorithm includes four stages: generation of encryption keys, the construction of the S-box …
algorithm includes four stages: generation of encryption keys, the construction of the S-box …
A new chaotic map with dynamic analysis and encryption application in internet of health things
In this paper, we report an effective cryptosystem aimed at securing the transmission of
medical images in an Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) environment. This contribution …
medical images in an Internet of Healthcare Things (IoHT) environment. This contribution …
Chaotic flows with special equilibria
In this review, we categorize chaotic systems with special properties in their equilibrium into
eight groups: Systems with no equilibrium (NE), systems with stable equilibrium (SE) …
eight groups: Systems with no equilibrium (NE), systems with stable equilibrium (SE) …
Cryptanalysis and constructing S-box based on chaotic map and backtracking
H Liu, A Kadir, C Xu - Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2020 - Elsevier
In recent years, a large number of S-Box design schemes have been proposed. However,
after detection we found that most of them contain fixed point or reverse fixed point, which …
after detection we found that most of them contain fixed point or reverse fixed point, which …
A novel modular approach based substitution-box design for image encryption
In modern-day block ciphers, the role of substitution-boxes is to transform the plaintext data
nonlinearly to generate ciphertext data with sufficient confusion. It has been well-confirmed …
nonlinearly to generate ciphertext data with sufficient confusion. It has been well-confirmed …
Framework for efficient medical image encryption using dynamic S-boxes and chaotic maps
Protecting patient privacy and medical records is a legal requirement. Traditional encryption
methods fall short of handling the large volume of medical image data and their peculiar …
methods fall short of handling the large volume of medical image data and their peculiar …